Other Worlds? Part I | Nebuchadnezzar, Captain Kirk, and the world that would always be
"It Shall All Be Fulfilled!" | Comparing OT and NT Histories
It is amazing that it works out that NT history fulfills the Old. It really does. Let us probe it.
Let us start from the beginning. Noah's day and the flood are like the great apostasy and the new world at the end. In Noah's day, most of the world is wicked, sparing a remnant. God destroys the world by water and begins its redemption anew. At the end of the world, the whole world is also wicked in the great apostasy, sparing a remnant of good Catholic Gentiles and the Jews who convert at that time. And God destroys the world by fire at Jesus' Second Coming and forever renews it in the new creation, the completion of the redemption of the world.
Moving on, Babel is one world of selfish materialistic blasphemy and one language. God breaks it up by confounding tongues and calls one nation to be his own, His Bride the Hebrew People through Abraham. This formation is like the formation of the NT people at Pentecost, the new babel, where God reunites the tongues of understanding into a universal Bride of all nations, the Church. Abraham is a single physical nation, the Church is all nations and tongues and spiritual.
The oppression of the single nation of Jewish people by a single nation of blasphemous materialism and spiritual darkness, Egypt, or dank night of sense, is like persecution of the universal holy people by a same universal blasphemous materialistic darkness, pagan Rome of the Church.
Constantine fulfills Moses.
Moses took a literal physical people from a literal physical place to another physical place of beatitude by force, plagues, because man was not yet ready to be converted by redemptive suffering.
The Martyrs took a spiritual people in darkness of the land of paganism into a new spiritual kingdom of beatitude, the Church, and not by force, but by showing the people in darkness the true meaning of suffering. Moses had to kick Pharoes ass. The martyrs moved the empire to conversion by their love. Hence, what was by force in OT was done by grace in NT.
The prophets constantly illumined the people in the illuminative way of old but they were resisted in desolations every time by a wicked Jewish people.
The Church illumined the world in all dogmas down throughout our ages, and every time the Gentiles resist her: Islam, the Orthodox, the Protestants, the French ,the Masons, the deists, the psychs, the scientists, the economists, the philosophers.
Finally, just before Babylon, there was no remedy, as Chronicles put it, It was as dark as you could get in Jewish wickedness, a dark night of soul for the prophets. And so they got their asses whipped by Babylon. This single physical nation was carried away into another physical place, and they suffered but repented.
Today there is no remedy for Gentile wickedness, for there is no truth at all. No Trinity and Incarnation to reject by Muslims, no Peter to reject by the East, no bishops and Trad to reject by prots, and no scripture and supernatural order to be rejected by enlightenment and masons and the supernaturally dead intellectuals.
No, the modern world doesn't even care about any of these. IT DOESN'T EVEN HAVE REASON, the last vestige of truth. There is no reason. Atheism is irrational, since we can know God from reason, Vat I, de fide. Relativism is contrary to reason, since it denies there is any objective truth. All morals are violated in a decadent and frivolous society that even the French revolutionists would have had disdain for.
But the gentiles cannot be carried away into a literal foreign land, because they are already scattered all over anyway.
NO, then, the Gentiles are about to be exiled into the SPIRITUAL foreign land of the physical, moral, and spiritual consequences of their sins and errors against the Church, and they will suffer terribly. This is called the Minor Chastisement of the mystics. It could be what Fatima means by the annihilation of entire nations. But the Gentiles will repent. This will most likely happen if most fully approved private revelation is true about the future of our Church from here on out.
And just as the Jews, having turned back their hearts to God in the exile, returned to their literal homeland of beatitude and rebuilt the physical temple, and loved God better than when they were delivered from Egypt, so the Gentiles will come home to the spiritual land of beatitude, the Catholic Church, and the spiritual temple of Catholic Christendom will be rebuilt, and the Gentiles will love God more profoundly than in the Middle Ages, with Mary as their Mother and Jesus as their Savior in this coming age of the Gospel, the renewal of peace.
But after this great age, corruption will set in again. The Jews started getting Greek influences after a few hundred years of first Persia and then then Greco rule. Then a blasphemous Gentile named Antiochus rose up to persecute the Jewish People to force them to eat pork or deny their Jewish faith, or else be tortured and killed, and there was a great confrontation;, and this was the last OT history before Jesus came the first time in human history. This was like a type of the martyrdom of the saint, the last way before the saint crosses the threshold of a new age, heaven, just as Jesus brings the New Dispensation.
Similarly, toward the end, the Catholic world of peace will get antsy and fall away. And then shall come, possibly by Tradition, a wicked Secular Jew who will try to force Gentile Catholics to violate their faith or face torture and death. Possibly, there will be humor here. Peter shall make the Friday penance such that Catholics can only eat what was unclean in the Old Law and nothing clean. So Antichrist on Fridays shall try to force Catholics to eat clean foods or be tortured and killed. And on all other days, he will torture by denying dogma or doctrine. And if the Jews will be able to figure out this funny little puzzle, history will be complete. Peter, kill and eat. But Lord, these are all unclean. There is nothing unclean that I have not declared unclean. Therefore, it could be that just as the literal Peter in the beginning is responsible for commencing the conversion of the Gentiles to faith, the office of Peter will be responsible at the end for the conversion of the Jews. Those who were last to receive any revelation from God are the first to receive it in full, so those who were first to receive any revelation from God are the last to receive it in full. And then, Jesus will come the second time, before all the just are killed and before humanity destroys itself, just as God saved a remnant at the flood. For in the beginning God used water to destroy and recreated the world. At the end he shall use fire. And the world in the beginning had minimal culpability. They had no revelation like the Old Law, the Prophets, Jesus or the New Covenant, they pretty much just had basic moral law to be culpable for. So God at that time was beginning to redeem the world. But at the end, man is completely culpable, utterly learning all that God can give us this side of time. And so the world is destroyed and ended.
Some things same, some different. How wonderful is our God.