The (Selfish) Ten Commandments
Once upon a time there was a man who wanted to cut the grass in his garden but unfortunately his lawnmower was broken. So he thought, “I'll go next door and I'll ask my neighbour if I could borrow his lawnmower”.
But then he thought again.
“Oh … my neighbour is such a fussy person, he may give me the lawnmower but he will say ‘Oh be careful how you use it. Make sure you don't bump it against the tree; and there aren't any pebbles in the grass that could be caught in the blades.’ He will also expect me to clean it afterwards and return it in pristine condition. Honestly … what a neighbour I’ve got. But I really do need a lawnmower … … …”
So with all these negative thoughts in mind, he went next door and rang the bell; and when the neighbour opened the door he said to him, “You can keep you damn lawnmower! I don't want it”.
You know, I suppose it's the same with all of us. When we ask for something. Do we believe really that we’ll get it?
Would you go to the bank for instance to ask for a loan if you don't think the bank will give you that loan because of your bad credit rating?
How about when we pray? Do we really believe that God is listening to us and will give us what we ask for? Do we believe that He has the power to give us what we ask for?
Maybe we ask for healing or whatever else … do we honestly believe deep in our heart that God will answer our prayers? Because if we don't then what's the point of praying? Is it just a routine matter? Something to do just to tick a list and say, “well I prayed about it. It’s now in His hands!”
Unless we truly believe that God is listening and in His way and in His time He will answer our prayers then there's no point in praying at all.