Justice toward men and woman is to respect the rights of each
His love... is everything for me. Everyday, I know that I am embraced by His love, by His comfort, by His tenderness. Jesus is the Saviour. Jesus draws me closer to God.
Being a witness of His love, to love my neighbour, to be one with my family, to help my colleagues at work, is a way of living which I know draws me closer to God. Also, through my witness of His love, I know that other people I meet during the day have the opportunity to also draw closer to God.
Jesus wants us to be witnesses of His love, to be His disciples. Through our baptism, through the Holy Spirit, we are to go out to every corner in the world and share the Good News.
Why are we to do this? Besides that it is a command from Jesus, to go out and share the Good News, I feel also responsible that my experience of Jesus, the difference He made in my life, is to be shared with others. I feel that this treasure of Jesus, is not to be kept to myself, but to give it to others.
This is my encouragement to you. Go out and share the Good News... that Jesus is alive and real. I know this, because I experience Jesus daily in my life.