So Majestic, so Beautiful---
White, Billowing, Upward Flowing!
Yet, so nothing but Air.
Invisible until---warm rises up—
Cool meets and vapors materialize.
Air becomes seen—Air becomes powerful!
Turbulent and destructive—the Cloud—
Not just seen---now heard.
Thunder gives voice—
Lightening gives energy, can kill---and give life---creating fire and heat.
All come into being—from what was nothing visible to the eye.
Clouds—proof—God exists?
Not seen until the elements become one—into something New?
Become Power and Might by Winds strong enough to wear out a rock!
Clouds become very visible—Big Humongous—Beauty to Behold!!
I have looked at clouds in a new way now, from both sides---
Seen and Unseen.
I have looked at God.