Stark Reality of Forgiveness / Sequel to "The past is gone....."
Again, a gripping account of how few, or how many Catholics do not believe in the real presnece of Christ in the Eucharist. Where are we able to search as to why or how this slipping away from the basic truth that for 2,000 years has sustained our Catholic Faith?
Certainly, we hope that those who are receiving our Lord in Holy Commumion for the first time have been taught the theology of the real presence of Christ in the ceremony they are participting in. Not just the reception of the sacrament but the the reseved presence in the tabernacle as well. Easter Sunday I couldn't help but notice several persons walking right by the tabernacle without even an obvious notice.
The very essence of the consecration says it all. Once the words "This is my Body and "this chalice of My Blod" are spoken, through the hands of the priest and the descent of the Holy Spirit these elements of bread and wine are forver changed the the Body and Blood of Christ. Why is so difficult for a Catholic who has been educated in this truth not believe that?
If any time this belief is needed it is now! We, as a nation and world are in dire trouble. The biblical awarness of world war III is apparent and we need the real presence of our God through Jesus Christ is ever more needed.
Ralph B. Hathaway