St. Francis DID NOT Write "Make Me a Channel of Your Peace"
So many Catholics seem to be ignorant of one the most funadmental teachings of the Catholic Church. Since Archbishop Cordileone's (very late but excellent) decision to ban self-proclaimed Catholic Pro-baby murder Nancy Pelosi from Holy Communion, a shocking number of Catholics have been whining and grinding their teeth about this decision.
Since some Catholics seem to view Abortion simply "not a pre-eminent issue", or "just as bad as someone losing their job, or not recycling", it's time to take a moment to recognize the horrific reality of Abortion and what the Catholic Church infallibly teaches. Unless you have been living under a rock (or you are as dumb as a rock) you might have noticed that Nancy Pelosi has continually promoted Abortion for years and years, this includes voting NO on the Pain-Capable Child Act, which would have made "it a crime for any person to perform or attempt to perform an abortion if the probable post-fertilization age of the fetus is 20 weeks or more."(1) As well as the 2015 Bill, "Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act" that would have prohibited "a health care practitioner from failing to exercise the proper degree of care in the case of a child who survives an abortion or attempted abortion."(2) Which means that, because that bill failed, babies that are born alive from failed abortions are not given any care. In many cases they are sent into a room to die slowly or thrown directly into the garbage (this is a direct quote). (NOTE: Human babies are still being harvested for their organs after botched abortions. The CDC has data as well on this sick and inhuman practice taking place TODAY.)
Photo from Live Action.
I'm sorry to hear that some Catholics find it annoying to be reminded of this horrific reality that has taken over 1.6 Billion (yes, Billion with a B) lives worldwide since 1980. That repeating the pre-eminence of this issue makes them feel a little uncomfortable. For crying out loud, Abortion is not supposed to be comfortable!
I know some Catholic have a hard time accepting that Catholic Teaching never changes, but that's reality, and it is a big part of this. Canon Law (yes, post Vatican II Canon Law) states frankly and unapologetically that "A person who procures a completed abortion incurs a latae sententiae excommunication." (Can. 1398) The Church also teaches that there are NINE ways to be an accessory to another’s sin:
By counsel.
By command.
By consent.
By provocation.
By praise or flattery.
By concealment.
By partaking.
By silence.
By defense of the ill done.
And in fact, the Church has consistently repeated that Pro-baby murder "Catholic" politicians are to be banned from Holy Communion. Period. Canon Law also states that, along with those who have been previously excommunicated, "others obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to holy communion." (Canon 915). Can it get more clear than that?
Fr. Stefano Manelli, O.F.M. Conv., S.T.D., wrote this about "The purity of souls necessary for Holy Communion", "For Catholics, to receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ in Holy Communion while in the state of mortal sin (having committed a mortal or grave sin which has not been confessed and forgiven in Sacramental Confession) is a mortal sin of sacrilege." Adding, "The saints applied to perfection the directive of the Holy Spirit, "Let everyone first examine himself, and then eat of that Bread and drink of that Chalice; because he who eats and drinks unworthily, eats and drinks unto his own condemnation" (1Cor. 11:28-29)."
St. Cyril wrote what is probably the most shocking, yet needed statement on this whole issue, "They who make a sacrilegious Communion, receive satan and Jesus Christ into their hearts—Satan, that they may let him rule, and Jesus Christ, that they may offer Him in sacrifice as a Victim to Satan.”
The Catechism of Trent states, "As of all the sacred mysteries bequeathed to us by our Lord and Saviour as most infallible instruments of divine grace, there is none comparable to the most holy Sacrament of the Eucharist; so, for no crime is there a heavier punishment to be feared from God than for the unholy or irreligious use by the faithful of that which is full of holiness, or rather which contains the very author and source of holiness."
The Great Saint John Vianney, Patron Saint of Parish Priests spoke many times on the sin of sacrilige. In his, "Eucharistic Meditations" he writes, "THE UNWORTHY COMMUNICANT IS A TRAITOR AND A HYPOCRITE: Having lied to the Holy Spirit in Confession by hiding or disguising some sin, he dares, this wretch, to take his place among the faithful about to eat this bread, with a hypocritical look of respect! Ah! no, no, nothing prevents the monster; he goes forward to bring about his reprobation. In vain this loving Saviour, seeing him come to Him, calls out from the tabernacle as to the perfidious Judas: 'My friend, whereto art thou come ?' Why my friend, do you betray your God and Saviour with a sign of peace! Stop, stop, my son, ah! for mercy’s sake spare Me! But no, no, neither the remorse of conscience nor the loving reproaches which his God makes to him can prevent his criminal steps. Ah, he goes forward, he is going to pierce his God and Saviour! Oh, heavens, how terrible! Can you support without trembling this miserable murder of your Creator? Ah! is it not the crime of crimes and the abomination in the holy place."
He continues,
"THE UNWORTHY COMMUNICANT IS AN UNGRATEFUL PERSON: Why do you persecute Me?” Jesus Christ said to the Jews. “Is it because I have opened the eyes of the blind, made the lame walk, cured the sick and raised the dead? Is it a crime to have loved you so much?” Such is the language that Jesus Christ speaks to those who profane His adorable Body and precious Blood. The greatness of their ingratitude is shown in that they outrage their benefactor through the greatest of his benefits, even worse, they use Himself to insult Him. Jesus Christ says to us by the mouth of one of the prophets: “If this affront had been offered to Me by enemies, by infidels who had never had the happiness of knowing Me, or even by heretics born in error, there might have been some reason for it. But you, He says to us, whom I have set in the bosom of My Church, you whom I have enriched with My choicest gifts; you who by Baptism have become My children and heirs to My kingdom! What! is it you who dare to outrage Me by this horrible sacrilege? What! you can still break the heart of the best of fathers, who has loved you even unto death. Well! ungrateful ones, are you not satisfied with all the tortures that have been inflicted on My innocent Body during My sorrowful passion? Oh! for mercy’s sake, spare your God who has loved you so much; why do you wish to give Me to death a second time, by receiving Me into a heart stained with sin?” "At the hour of death Jesus Christ will come down with a torch in His hand into the sacrilegious hearts, and will find there His adorable Body, so often profaned, which will cry to heaven for vengeance. O divine Saviour, will the anger and power of your Father be strong enough to cast down these miserable Judases into the depths of the abyss."
St. Basil the Great wrote “The hairsplitting difference between formed and unformed makes no difference to us. Whoever deliberately commits abortion is subject to the penalty for homicide.” (First Canonical Letter, from the work Three Canonical Letters. Loeb Classical Library, Volume III, pages 20 to 23.)
Our Lord, speaking to St. Bridgid said that "there does not exist on earth a penatly great enough to punish (the sin of sacrilege) sufficiently!"
See also, "The Discipline Regarding the Denial of Holy Communion to Those Obstinately Persevering in Manifest Grave Sin" on Canon 915 (yes, THE Canon Law of the Catholic Church.)
We cannot forget that abortion is one of the four sins that cry to heaven for vengeance (according to the Catholic Church). Nor can we forget, ignore or reject all of Church Teaching down throuhout the ages, condemning abortion (see timeline here.) Which by the way does not exclude Contraception, on which the great Saint Thomas Aquinas wrote in his "Summa contra gentiles", “Hence, after the sin of homicide whereby a human life already in existence is destroyed, this type of sin appears to take next place, for by it the generation of human nature is impeded.”
Even the cowardly USCCB has a document "On the Importance and Priority of Defending Innocent Human Life"! Now if only all the 433 active and retired (arch)bishops in the United States, (not just 13!) would stand up and defend Archbishop Cordileone, as well as excommunicate all "Catholic" Politicians who are pro-baby murder, we could say they have done their job to help eradicate Abortion from the United States... but I suppose they prefer to just congratulate Joe Biden on his presidency, give money to his campaign and continue to issue out limp-wristed statements concerning abortion... but hey that's a whole 'nother article.
At this point, a practicing Catholic cannot make any case against all of this Church Teaching (and this is just a taste of the 2,000+ years of Church Teaching, condemning sacriligious Communions and abortion), without making complete fools of themselves and putting themselves between God, His Church, and the great Saints and martyrs. I do not envy them. For anyone making blubbering pathetic attempts to excuse baby murder and sacriligious Communions is a disgrace, the greatest insult to God Himself, and, if it is not repented of, will merit eternal damnation.
Let us stop being so afraid of speaking out in love as the Saints did in the past. We are Catholic's are we not!? Let us act like it. Speak out against evil, unashamed, unafraid. Do not be silent cowards in the face of these gravest of evils in the Holy Face of Our Good God. Eternal Damnation is a long time. Do we love our fellow neighbors enough to pray, fast, and speak out!? Are we really against abortion if we are making these excuses? When hearing "Catholics" like Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden promote abortion, let us remember what abortion really is and fight it with every ounce of our being.