Follow Jesus and Honor and Love Mary
Many Catholics are quite happy with the recent decision by Bishop Cordileone to deny communion to Nancy Pelosi. However, many more “liberal Catholics” and folks on the secular side of the aisle are shocked and upset by this decision. Simply put, they have no concept of the true meaning of the Eucharist or why a political leader would be denied such an important sacrament.
Personally, I’m happy that Bishop Cordileone made this decision. I wish it had been made sooner and I wish ALL bishops around the world would support the decision and make their own similar decisions for other famous Catholics who visibly, openly, and proudly defy Catholic teaching. As the Bible clearly points out, it is better for someone who leads one of the little ones (members of the flock) astray to have a millstone wrapped around his neck and drowned. Why? Because our leaders, and really all of us who know Catholic teaching, are required in an appropriate time and manner to treach the truth. Simply put, our culpability is greater if we know the truth and willfully allow our brethren to persist in mortal sin. If a bishop has privately tried to bring back one of the lost sheep, and that sheep has preferred to remain lost, then in an attempt to save the person’s soul it is necessary to prevent reception of the Eucharist. While many who don’t understand our teaching call this process cruel, in actuality it is the most loving thing that can be done in order to give the sinner a chance to repent and save her soul. No, we can’t possibly judge Nancy Pelosi and condemn her to hell, as only God can objectively judge her destiny based upon her soul. What we can say is that Nancy Pelosi, and other leaders, have publicly stated that they know the church teaching and willingly reject it and encourage others to reject it as well. While I can’t judge anyone, public statements that freely and willingly go against church teaching seem to indicate the grounds for mortal sin.
I expect backlash from those who oppose the church. We are in a spiritual battle everywhere we look publicly. The lines are clearly drawn as black and white, good and evil. Anyone can learn church teaching by seeking counsel and reading the catechism. While I would like to see our bishops (apostles) including the pope speak out more clearly on this and other moral topics, I’m happy some of our shepherds have no fear in clearly expressing church teaching and holding the flock accountable for their actions. We continue to pray for our leaders to help the flock on their journey to Heaven.