An Expose' on Ministry and its Accomplishments
Events that changed world history
As we mature in life and live through times that reveal good or evil experiences our emotions become significant as to what the future may hold. Ask people if they remember what they were doing when such and such happened. Some may be too young for many historical events that had dire results in our country, but be sure that a lot of them changed the direction of global circumstances as well as national stigmas.
I was five years old when the nation of Japan surprisingly attacked our naval fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. December 7, 1941 will live in infamy as President Roosevelt told the American public over a radio address. This event led us into WW II and the results were tragically embedded in the minds of all people forever. The story of this attack will remain in the annals of our history.
Most people today experienced the terrible destruction on September 11, 2001 as the twin towers collapsed in New York after hijacked planes brought the sanctity of the United States to a terrible blow with the second time a foreign entity surprisingly brought us to our knees. As in the Pearl Harbor attack we fought back and became the victor that stands tall.
There is an irony when an attack upon something or someone stands out as one of untold suffering with the results leaving us wondering why and will we overcome the evil presented. Where is the satisfaction from the success finally arrived at after all the negative atrocities have been applied.
A man who had nothing but love for his fellow men took upon himself the scrutiny and rejection of most other people and was nailed to a tree because of doubts and criticism from those whom he loved. Of course, we know without living during that historical time that Jesus Christ was attacked by foreign persons (non-believers) and as in modern times destroyed before our eyes. The destruction was the shedding of his Blood which was rebuilt in three days.
We learned from the two attacks by foreign entities how to grow beyond these and became stronger. With the Resurrection of Christ after the crucifixion we have shared in the plan our Father ordained before time to redeem us and our enemies forgiven. We are the enemies by our sins and the rebuilding of this kingdom belongs to each one through the death of sin on the cross.
Ralph B. Hathaway, May 2022