Do we have the permission to look at God in a personal way?
Ten pins are falling
Finally we have a Catholic prelate stand up and defend the unborn from so much scrutiny that doesn’t recognize their humanity. It’s bad enough that abortion is accepted by catholics who are part of “It’s my body” scenario and joining the many parading against right to life advocacy.
Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone has made it a crucial stand that Speaker Nancy Pelosi will be denied Holy Communion period. Even after he warned her of the position she retained on abotion would result in the church denying the Eucharist she continued to advocate her stand on the choice of women to continue their reasons for aborting their unborn, and alive, children residing in their wombs.
A complete strike has not yet been racked up but not too many balls going down the alley of saving life for babies in the womb are about to occur. San Francesco won”t be the last Archdiocese to speak out for right to life decisions. The Archbishop will be the prophet to bring God’s call for the unborn to an enduring pronouncement that the Roman Catholic Church is calling in the debt that must be paid.
Our further concern is what pro-abortionists call the unborn is an it. That fetus growing in the womb is a human being and will soon be seen through a sonogram the gender of that baby. And after the child is born their gender must remain male or female until death.
Some years past I was censored from preaching on abortion issues at two catholic parishes. The first was on an article in the Sunday issue of the Pittsburgh Press where different religious organizations stated they supported pro-choicers stating their choice. The religious groups didn’t condone abortion but stood by those who chose to verbalize it. After preaching about the groups writing this were creating confusion for the readers with an acceptance of adherence to their opinion would make abortion ok. The pastor called me later that morning saying in all years as a priest he never received phone calls about his homilies. Today, he said, his phone didn’t stop ringing about my homily. He did not want me to preach about this issue again. My comment was one man told me upon leaving church that he didn’t like my homily. When I asked why he said he was pro-choice. My pastor was surprised at that.
The second time I had a pastor who told me not to preach on this issue again. You’re upsetting or rocking the boat. I told him I wouldn’t stop.
With the decision to overturn Roe vs Wade and the continued confrontation among women and no doubt many Catholics our challenge will pit pro-abortionists against pro-lifers. Our stand in support of one side or the other will become an issue to which we shall be judged.
Abortion is similar to early societies sacrificing their children to idol gods. “ You shall have no false images before me. “ (Dt. 5: 7). Idolatry is the most heinous atrocity against God.
Ralph B. Hathaway, Abortion an Idol before God!