Into the bliss of heavenly grace we rise / Compare with two previous articles on grace
Five steps as we reach out and find God
First we are conceived and become an embryo while little by little this new person takes on a personality exclusively only to us. Imagine how our acceptance is created when our yet unformed ears are able to sense the words of love or hate, wanted or refused. This element of our early existence will make the difference as to our significance when this living body reaches the aroma of birth.
The first step of Jesus is found during the Incarnation and the first words he hears are, “Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. And how does this happen that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For at the moment the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy.” (Lk. 1: 42 - 44). The words that reached the ears of Jesus were total love and acceptance, His journey’s path is already being formed.
When each of us begins the trek of life with all of its challenges putting us down, or allowing our future to be filled with disappointments. These can always confront our ability to grow beyond pain or an opportunity to reach back to the womb and hold onto the encouragement we received then.
Jesus’ second step can be found during his Passion which began with rejection to his ministry and the divine purpose he was born. All during the atrocious afronts perpetrated upon him, he was able to also reach into the words Elizabeth spoke to his Mother, Mary while in the womb. And she spoke, “My soul rejoices in God my savior. For he has looked upon his handmaid’s lowliness; behold from now on will all ages call me blessed. The mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name.” (Lk. 1: 46 49). Another proof that words retained within the womb will sometimes be enough to sustain us even within the passion we all may encounter.
The promise God has made and Jesus continued to reiterate this promise looms ahead of each of us in spite of the passionate events that become a reality is uppermost in our minds and our faith gets us through. This step becomes a necessary move for us to believe in. Without it the final point of our journey cannot take place.
Step three for Jesus seems to conclude his mission as the cross and resurrection presents to us a glorious example of the plan his Father had promised to you and me if we would only trust in the death/resurrection of His only Son.
Each of us awaits that day when the angel blows a trumpet and the dead shall rise from their confinement of the sea, the earth, or wherever their final remains are. As in Revelation, 11: 15 - 19. They are now being brought home to be with God forever and forever.
Our fourth step is found when Christ, now being with his followers 40 days, is ready to ascend to his Father and commissions their continued mission of baptizing the people of the earth in the name of the Father, the son, and the holy spirit. (cf Mt. 28: 16 -20). This also becomes the direction you and I are mandated to follow. It all becomes what we heard while in the womb and have taken the realm of God executing the mission he has given to us.
There is a fifth step in reaching God the Father, and that is as Jesus did share the new creation; Jerusalem coming down from heaven. (Rev.20: 1 FF). This occurs when we have completed the five steps of reaching God.
Ralph B. Hathaway, Finding God one step at a time.