ALPHA should never be used in the Catholic Church
Lord God you are the Almighty One. Your name is the One we praise night and day. To you, and you alone, do we glorify and magnify. It is to you, the Creator of all life, that we cry out in the midst of hatred and anger. To you, O lover of the soul, that we seek deliverance from racism and violence.
We are a nation whose history is an ocean of sin. Forgive us, O Lord.
We have enslaved those we deemed subhuman and labeled them property, Forgive us, O Lord.
We have thrown thousands into internment camps in the name of safety and security, Forgive us, O Lord.
We have separated individuals in society based on skin color, Forgive us, O Lord.
We have assassinated those who spoke of freedom and dreamed of equality, Forgive us, O Lord.
We have jailed those who demanded to be seen and not mistreated, Forgive us, O Lord.
We have judged another based on their appearance before knowing their heart, Forgive us, O Lord.
We have become fearful in neighborhoods where we are a minority, Forgive us, O Lord.
We have assumed someone of another race is operating with bad motives, Forgive us, O Lord.
We have viewed others as our enemy based on ethnicity, Heal us, O Lord.
We have caused anger and hatred among neighbors we are called to love, Heal us, O Lord.
We have destroyed dreams and damaged self-esteems because of color, Heal us, O Lord.
We have caused tears to be shed and hearts to be broken, Heal us, O Lord.
We have reached out our hand to our race and fists to others, Heal us, O Lord.
We have praised equality, while demanding others ‘stay in their place’, Heal us, O Lord.
We have turned our face from injustices and our hearts from compassion, Heal us, O Lord.
We have buried our children because of the hand of violence and hate, Heal us, O Lord.
From future visible and invisible scars of racism, Deliver us O, Lord.
From teaching others to hate because of a person’s race or culture, Deliver us O, Lord.
From our children and grandchildren being considered less important than others, Deliver us O, Lord
From a child’s heart being exposed to racism and judgment, Deliver us O, Lord.
From a parent teaching their child its acceptable to hate, Deliver us O, Lord.
From the refusal to love our neighbor, Deliver us O, Lord.
From a heart that rejects the value of every individual, Deliver us O, Lord.
From the arrogance that coincides with racism and hate, Deliver us O, Lord.
O, Lord, you are the Almighty and Immortal One. You are the One who parts the seas and moves the mountains. It is at your command that storms calm and oceans part. It is through your Word that life is created and through your mercy and grace that each individual holds dignity and worth. Lord God, Prince of Peace and the world’s Redeemer, surround us with your Presence and shower us with your grace. Pour forth your Spirit, O Lord, and heal our Land.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.