Combatting Relationship Issues with Prayer
Facing hardships in order to enter the kingdom of God
What have you found as a hardship in your endeavor to find God’s place for your in the search of sharing the gospel? Each of us has to work at spreading the good news by accepting difficult encounters when working with people. Some of these needy persons may prove to be a challenge even if they are believers in Christ. Major illnesses, physical or mental, might be the struggle you’re under to keep a positive outlook for that person and your own ability to share patience and love.
If you are in a position to work with students, young adults or mature persons, teaching the gospel you’ll find that everyone will not be ready to accept all the dictates you may present. Even well established Christians can be stubborn and will ultimately challenge your knowledge on biblical meaning and scripture even to the teaching of the Catholic Catechism.
Paul and Barnabas, had to put up with the same actions of disbelief. “During their time in Iconium the disbelieving Jews stirred up and poisoned the minds of Gentiles against the brothers. We read that the people of the city were divided; some were with the Jews, others with the apostles. When there was an attempt by both the Jews and Gentiles, together with their leaders, to attack and stone them, they realized it and fled to the Lyconian cities of Lystra and Derbe, and to the surrounding countryside to proclaim the good news.” (Acts 14: 1 - 7).
Hopefully none of you will experience these types of obstructive attacks, but it proves that when trying to explain the truth regarding Jesus and the kingdom of God there will almost definitely be those who will fight you on every issue, if needed.
Do not be surprised because you are following the teaching ministry that Jesus set before all of us who accept this ministry with doubters, and unbelievers as our main thrust of disbelievers.
The struggles of anti-believers in Christ, the Catholic Church, and the traditions we base our faith on will promote their side of agnosticism to the death if possible. There is no end to the attack Satan will use to make our truth look like a lie. Remember, he is the promoter of lies and comes in the appearance of an angel of light, guiding our beliefs away from Christ.
We must be prepared to encounter these paths of discontent with a suit of armor and a breastplate of conviction. These protective armaments will protect the teachings we hold dear to the Church and its tradition.
Ralph B. Hathaway, Protection of the Truth through perseverance!