How can we make it through this?
God has and continues to do so much for you. More than we can ever imagine or even merit. It all comes from God’s infinite and perfect love. You were created by God. Yes, your parents were involved too, but your soul was God’s to create. Even then, He did not stop there. He created an angel whose sole purpose is to get you to Heaven.
And yet, we are mired in a world of sin and vice. Because our sins ruin or damage our relationship with God, He came down to fix it. Every sin is an infinite sin, since every sin is against God ("Against you, you alone have I sinned” [Psalm 51:6]). We are finite and cannot offer anything capable of fixing the infinite damage. Yet, the infinite God took an infinite sacrifice to fix our relationship with Him. His Only Begotten Son dead on the Cross. The Creator lowered Himself to save His creatures at the cost of His live. That is love beyond all telling!
Still, God has done much more. He gives us Confession to cleanse ourselves of sin as we get weighed down by it, so as to free us from its grasp of death. And, as if dying for us was not enough, He gives us Himself in the Eucharist as He tells us “For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink.” [John 6:55] Everything you have and everything you are came from God. Everything you can be … is up to you. Jesus is calling…
Jesus, You held nothing back from us. Every last drop of blood, every ounce of energy, every drop of Your never ending love. We do not deserve any of it, yet Your love demands it and so we can join You forever in Heaven, because of everything that YOU have done for us. Thank you, Jesus! I do not deserve it, but help me to give You my love in return in all that I do. Amen.