The first two articles found here and here focused on the first seven and second seven of the new cardinals for 2022. This article will focus on the third seven.
15. Archbishop Adalberto Martínez Flores - Metropolitan Archbishop of Asunción (Paraguay): Archbishop Adalberto Martínez Flores is a Paraguayan-born 70 year old bishop who grew up in the capital, Asunción. He studied economics for three years at the National University of Asunción, and then moved to Washington, D.C. to study advanced English, and Philosophy at the Oblate College in Washington, D.C. He would move to Frascati within Rome in 1977 to go to the International School for Priests of the Focolare Movement and also would earn a degree in Philosophy and Theology at the Pontifical Lateran University in 1981. In 1985, he became ordained a priest in the Diocese of Saint Thomas in the Virgin Islands, in the US Virgin Islands. He worked there until 1994 in various parishes on both the Islands of Saint Thomas and Saint Croix. In 1994, he then became a priest in the Archdiocese of Asunción. Then, he was ordained a bishop in 1997 as an auxiliary bishop of Asunción and as a titular bishop of Tatilti. He then would become the Bishop of the newly created Diocese of San Lorenzo in 2000, and then in 2007, he became the Bishop of the Diocese of San Pedro, and in 2012 became the Military Ordinary of Paraguay. In 2018, he became the Bishop of Villarrica del Espíritu Santo. In 2022, Archbishop Adalberto Martínez Flores became the Archbishop of Asunción, and has served as the President of the Episcopal Conference of Paraguay since 2018. He will be created a Cardinal-Priest in 2022.
16. Archbishop Giorgio Marengo, I.M.C. – Apostolic Prefect of Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia): Italian-born 47 year old Archbishop Giorgio Marengo earned a degree at a classical lyceum and is a Scout and a fencer. He has old interests with a youthful age, so much so that he will be the youngest member of the College of Cardinals. He studied Philosophy at the Theological Faculty of Northern Italy from 1993-1995 and Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University from 1995-1998. He made his vows to the Institute of Consolata Missionaries in 2000 and became an ordained priest for the Consolata Missionaries in 2001. He also would earn a Licentiate and Doctorate in Missiology from the Pontifical Urban University from 2000-2006. He would immediately move to Mongolia when he became a priest and has served there ever since, showing that Archbishop Giorgio Marengo is one who stems from the traditional home of the Church, but pastors a new home. From 2016-2020, he served as the regional councilor of Asia for the Consolata Missionaries as well as the Consolata Missionaries' Superior for Mongolia, as well as being a parish priest in Arvaikheer, outside of the capital. In 2020, he was ordained the Apostolic Prefect of the Apostolic Prefecture of Ulaanbaatar, while also being Ordained a titular bishop of Castra Severiana. Archbishop Giorgio Marengo has stressed better relations and more dialogue with Buddhists and will become a Cardinal-Priest in 2022.
17. Archbishop Jorge Enrique Jiménez Carvajal, C.J.M. - Archbishop Emeritus of Cartagena (Colombia): Archbishop Jorge Enrique Jiménez Carvajal is a Colombian-born 80 year old who served in multiple dioceses in Colombia, and has served in the top circles of the Catholic Church. He grew up in the Santander Department and spent a lot of time in and around his birth city of Bucaramanga growing up. He would go to minor seminary in nearby Floridablanca, and then would go off to the capital of Colombia, Bogotá, to study at the Pontifical Xavierian University and the Major Seminary of the Congregation of Jesus and Mary to study philosophy. In 1967, he was ordained a priest in Bucaramanga by the Congregation of Jesus and Mary (Eudists), having become a professed member in 1964. He would earn a Licentiate in Philosophy later on at the Pontifical Xavierian University, and would become a professor at two seminaries, Major Seminary of Santa Rosa de Osos for their diocese in the nearby ecclesiastical province of Santa Fe de Antioquia, in the Antioquia Department, as well as at the Eudist Seminary in Bogotá. In Bogotá, he also served as the director of the charity section of the local Eudists community called the "Elmin de Dios". He would then spend some time in Medellín as the director of studies for the Institute Theological-Pastoral of the Latin American Episcopal Conference (CELAM). He would also spend time as the secretary of the Latin American Confederation of Religious, and as the provincial superior for the Congregation of Jesus and Mary in Colombia, before becoming ordained a bishop in 1992, to become the Bishop of Zipaquirá in the ecclesiastical province of Bogotá. During these years as a bishop, Archbishop Jorge Enrique Jiménez Carvajal rose to the top of Latin America and the whole Church, becoming the Secretary General of CELAM from 1995-1999 and the President of CELAM from 1999-2003, and a member of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Health Care Workers and the Pontifical Commission for Latin America. Over the years, he was brought in to discuss the Church in Africa and the Holy Land too. In 2004, he became the Coadjuctor Bishop of Cartagena, in the Bolívar Department, on the Caribbean Coast of Colombia, and in 2005, he became the Archbishop of Cartagena, which he served until 2021. His expertise on Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa will serve him well as a cardinal, as he will become a Cardinal-Priest in 2022, but a non-electing cardinal.
18. Bishop Lucas Van Looy, S.D.B. - Bishop Emeritus of Ghent (Belgium): The 80 year-old Belgian Bishop Lucas Van Looy has a storied career as a missionary, charity executive, and as a clergyman. The Flemish bishop is from a smaller city in the Antwerp Province, which is where he first started to study with the Jesuits in Turnhout and at the Don Bosco College in Hechtel-Eksel, Limburg. He would choose the Salesians of Saint John Bosco becoming a member in 1968, having gone to their schools from 1962-1964 in the Archdiocese of Mechelen-Brussels, the ecclesiastical province for all of Belgium. In 1968, he became a priest while still studying philosophy and for his Licentiate in Missiology from the Catholic University of Leuven which he earned in 1970. He would immediately be sent to South Korea where he worked for more than a decade, as a teacher from 1972-1974, as a Chaplain from 1974-1978, and then he would rise up in the ranks of the Salesians holding positions such as provincial from 1978-1984, head of missions from 1984-1990, head of youth ministry from 1990-1996, and Vicar General from 1996-2003. He became the Bishop of Ghent in 2004, retiring in 2019. During his time there, he had a controversial moment where then Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels, André-Joseph Léonard, stated that AIDS is immanent justice for homosexual relationships and promiscuous people, and Bishop Lucas Van Looy responded by stating that it could not be a form of punishment, responding to an earlier claim by the Archbishop, and that stable homosexual relations "ought to be possible", while clarifying he was with the Church teachings on the issues. The "ought to be possible" part was a little too ambiguous. Nonetheless, the bishop has risen in Pope Francis's reign to become a member of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, and an executive board member of CARITAS International in 2015. His knowledge of Dutch, French, Germany, Italian, English, Spanish, Korean, and Portuguese makes Bishop Lucas Van Looy a key member of the clergy as he will become a Cardinal-Priest in 2022, albeit a non-electing cardinal.
19. Archbishop Arrigo Miglio - Archbishop Emeritus of Cagliari (Italy): The 79 year old Archbishop Arrigo Miglio was born within the Metropolitan City of Turin and has spent most of his life either in Piedmont, within the ecclesiastical province of Turin, or in Sardinia within the ecclesiastical province of Cagliari. He was ordained a priest in the Diocese of Ivrea within the ecclesiastical province of Turin in 1967. In 1992, he became the Bishop of Iglesias in the ecclesiastical province of Cagliari. In 1999, he became the Bishop of Ivrea. And then, in 2012, he became the Archbishop of Cagliari, holding this position until 2019. As a member of the Italian Episcopal Conference, he was a part of the commission on labor, justice and peace, and social issues, in addition to being the president of the scientific committee and organizing Social Weeks of Catholic Italians. He appears to be a Catholic bishop that while not more progressive completely, is fully involved in the part of the Church that Pope Francis wishes to uphold, youth and young adult engagement, science, labor rights, justice, and peace. He will become a Cardinal-Priest in 2022 as a non-electing cardinal as his 80th birthday will come before he is elevated to a cardinal.
20. Father Gianfranco Ghirlanda, S.J. – Professor di Theology: Father Gianfranco Ghirlanda may not be a bishop, but he is probably the best expert on Canon law in the field of new cardinals. Father Gianfranco Ghirlanda started off his career like most Italians and people in general working a regular job at Fiat to pay for his studies at university. However, Father Gianfranco Ghirlanda was studying at the university in Rome, Sapienza University of Rome, where he earned a Jurisprudence Doctorate in 1966. He joined the Jesuits that year and began studying to become a priest, earning a bachelor's degree in sacred theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in 1973. He became ordained a priest in 1973 too. He would continue his studies earning a Licentiate in Canon Law in 1975, and then a Doctorate in Canon Law earning summa cum laude in 1978, all from the Pontifical Gregorian University. He has taught at the Pontifical Gregorian University in some facet since 1975, and earned full professorship in 1986. He focuses on teaching canon law, and from 1995-2004, he served as the Dean of the Faculty of Canon Law at the Pontifical Gregorian University and became the Rector from 2004-2010. Having been born in Rome, educated in Rome, ordained in Rome, and taught in Rome, Father Gianfranco Ghirlanda is the only new cardinal on this list to fit the traditional mold of cardinal which is to be from Rome. As a true and faithful Roman Catholic, Father Gianfranco Ghirlanda has also served the Holy See and the Vatican City State! He served the Vatican City State as a judge in the Court of Appeals of the Vatican City State from 1993-2003. And, for the Holy See, he served as a consultor on different congregations and councils over the years and has helped in drafting of apostolic constitutions. For example, he was a key author in the 2009 Anglicanorum coetibus, that created the Anglican Ordinariate for former Anglicans that want be in communion with the Catholic Church and under the Pope, but retain some of their Anglican liturgy and traditions to create their own personal Church, similar to the Eastern Rite Catholic Churches. He also has been called in to help reintegrate and renew various religious institutions back into the Catholic Church mold, such as the religious clerical order Legion of Christ in 2014 and the lay association Memores Domini in 2020. His expertise in Canon Law is unequal, and as such, he has published one book, and over 110 articles on Canon Law over the years. His exploits have earned him to become a member of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life in 2018, and now in 2022, to become a Cardinal-Deacon, as an non-electing cardinal due to him turning 80 before he is elevated to a cardinal.
21. Monsignor Fortunato Frezza – Canon of Saint Peter's Basilica: Monsignor Fortunato Frezza has grown up within the ecclesiastical province of Rome his whole life. He was born in Viterbo and would study at the minor seminary in nearby Bagnoregio, and then at the major seminary in Viterbo. In 1966, he was ordained a priest in the Diocese of Bagnoregio, and in 1986, this diocese became no longer in existence and was transferred to the Diocese of Viterbo. In 1967, he received a Licentiate in Theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University, and then a Sacred Scripture Degree from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in 1977. From 1971-1984, he was a parish priest and would teach sacred scripture at various places such as as an assistant at the Pontifical Gregorian University, at the La Quercia Viterbo Regional Seminary, at Albano's institutes of Religious Studies, at the Theological schools belonging to the Congregation of St. Joseph's in Viterbo, as well as at a school for Salesians in the Holy Land. In 1983, he joined the staff for the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops, and in 1997, he became the Under Secretary of the Synod of Bishops, staying in this role until 2014. In 2013, he became one of the canons of Saint Peter's Basilica, and in 2022, he became the Camerlengo of the Chapter of Saint Peter's in the Vatican City State. In addition to these roles, he has served as a chaplain for the Vatican City State Directorate of Health and Hygiene, for AS Roma's association football team in Serie A, and for many monasteries in the area for nuns. He serves as the Masters of Ceremonies and Spiritual Assistant for the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre. In 2022, he will become a Cardinal-Deacon, but as a non-electing cardinal as he is already 80 years old.