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In the same week that San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone gained national attention for publicly refusing Holy Communion to the Speaker of the House, another Catholic prelate boldly stood for Catholic teaching.
Speaking at the Concursus, or graduation ceremony of Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia on May 18, Archbishop Emeritus Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., spared no human respect in pointing out shameful public behavior on the part of Catholic politicians.
The Archbishop began his talk by saying,
“If an Oscar were given each year for best Catholic performance in the role of a Reformation Protestant, half the Catholics in Congress, not to mention the White House, would qualify.”
He talked about a “vanilla type of religion that can be used to justify almost any kind of behavior with a moral gloss.”
Click here for the talk "Archbishop Chaput's Graduation Speech."
Archbishop Chaput is an internationally recognized scholar, author, and spiritual leader. His courageous words gained no immediate media attention.
Without mentioning Rep. Nancy Pelosi by name, he called out “the President and Speaker of the House who claim to be Catholic but then zealously support the right to kill an unwanted unborn child.”
The friars of the Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mercy were there that morning and were pleased to hear the message of this prelate, who was archbishop of Philadelphia until just a few years ago.
Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary is where the Mercedarian friars have studied since the late 1970s.
Watch the video. You’ll be pleased, as well as see how a great Catholic prelate stands boldly for truth.
Men, would you like to boldly proclaim the truth about Jesus Christ’s redemptive grace? Become a Mercedarian friar! Check out the Order of Mercy website, or visit our Facebook page. Contact Fr. Daniel Bowen, vocation director, at