If Jesus had a hashtag
As if Fr. James Martin’s book, “Building A Bridge” could not provide any more division and attacks on sacred truths, the Jesuit’s latest movie with the same namesake is ramping up the attacks on Biblical truth regarding homosexuality. The video, set up in a documentary format, creates the appearance of a Fr. Martin vs. Church Militant and Michael Voris type showdown. However, it could perhaps get the closest that any has ever come for Fr. Martin speaking directly against Church teaching and truth. Although he does not actually cross that threshold, it brings to question what is the Jesuit’s mission?
Martin is joined by homosexuality advocates Fr. Bryan Massingale and Jason Steidl, a gay Catholic theologian. Massingale argues the church’s teaching that homosexuality is disordered needs to be dropped from the Catechism. His argues that homosexuals are born that way and therefore, it is not disordered. Steidl actually compares the church’s view of LGBTQ to the church’s previous view on slavery prior to the change in its teaching.
Steidl, perhaps, presents the clearest view of what the agenda is for LGBTQ advocates such as Martin, Massingale and himself. “Traditionalists say the Church never changes. I like to say the Church never changes until it does,” Steidl says. He could, perhaps, be correct in that there are many things about the Church which has changed over the years. However, truth never changes, and this is the battle we, as Christians, are facing is the protection of truth.
“Therefore, God handed them over to impurity through the lusts of their hearts for the mutual degradation of their bodies. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie and revered and worshiped the creature rather than the creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. Therefore, God handed them over to degrading passions. Their females exchanged natural relations for unnatural, and the males likewise gave up natural relations with females and burned with lust for one another. Males did shameful things with males and thus received in their own persons the due penalty for their perversity.” (Romans 1:24-27)
LGBTQ advocates can push for the teaching of homosexuality being disordered to be dropped from the Catechism. In fact, they could even be successful one day. However, the teaching that homosexuality is a sin will never change because Scripture never changes.
Michael Voris, president and founder of Church Militant, argues that those who have LGBTQ feelings should endure them as the cross they are to carry. “If you do not carry that cross you do not get into the kingdom of heaven,” says Voris. He would certainly be one who would understand the cross of homosexuality since Voris is outspoken about having once lived in the homosexual lifestyle until he returned to the Church and surrendered to truth. It is apparent that is the greatest difference, the defining battle line, between Voris and Martin: Truth and the cross we are to carry.
Martin appears to want to make the “cross” of homosexuality easier to carry by enabling it to be endorsed by the Church. Although he is always careful to not directly speak against Church teaching, Martin comes very close in the video when he speaks of his appearances (or lack therefore) at pride events. He talks about his concern regarding what kind of photos will be taken and how photos could be taken out of context. Interestingly, he uses the hypothetical example of him being photographed with a banner advocating for same-sex marriage behind him and how it could be taken out of context to show he supports gay marriage. When asked why that would be an issue, Martin responds “because I’m not supposed to support same-sex marriage”.
Not supposed to? The reply is interesting in that it reflects that Martin knows what the truth is and does not agree, therefore, rather than say “because I don’t support same-sex marriage”, his response is damning since it reflects his favorable view of same-sex marriage. This statement does not just show Martin is wanting more “inclusion” or “welcoming” of LGBTQ in the Church. He, in fact, advocates homosexuals and transgenders should not only be welcomed and included but should be leading the Church.
In fact, Martin shows just how much influence the LGBTQ community has over his decisions, as opposed to Sacred Scripture and Church teaching, by admitting he changed his 1st edition of the book “Building A Bridge” to focus more on the church’s responsibility to reach out to LGBTQ individuals rather than the LGBTQ individuals being willing to reach out and surrender to truth of the Church. In fact, he removes most of the responsibility of LGBTQ individuals from the book and places the blame solely on the Church because of the push back and advocacy from the LGBTQ community.
Voris, on the other hand, presses forward in combating Martin’s heretical ideas by speaking truth and being transparent about his former lifestyle. Voris is perhaps the greatest contrast to everything Martin, Steidl, and his group of gay-touting, homosexual endorsing, and sin loving posse want others to believe. You are not born gay, it’s a lifestyle. You can choose to surrender to Christ and get out of that lifestyle. It is not a life pleasing to Christ. It is sin. It is not love. It is lust.