Was Mary just like any maiden?
Even if Roe v. Wade is miraculously overturned, abortion will keep winning, unless we understand that abortion is more than a Court ruling: it’s a viral ideology that spreads destroying all democratic institutions, leaving a façade of legality to hide a monstrous reality.
1. Abortion coup
Many take for granted the RoeWade overturn, without acknowledging that the pro-abortion global conspiracy has successfully co-opted, bribed and threatened Supreme Court Justices in many countries.
The recent threats against the prolife US Justices and their families are no exceptions. Note: keep an eye and prayers on weak “conservative” Brett Kavanaugh, who previously ruled in favour of same-sex marriage.
Also, the recent Colombian case, showed how Justices suspiciously and unfairly accepted the challenging of a trial Justice just because he had previously said in public that he was prolife. It’s like challenging a judge judging a thief just because he declared to be against theft!
In western democracies, abortion was introduced as a coup following 2 models (or a mix):
- Invalid and unconstitutional judiciary ruling with compliance of the other two powers
- Invalid and unconstitutional law passed with compliance of the other powers
In order to understand, just think what should happen in a real democracy when one of the three powers (executive, legislative or judiciary) decides to discuss the right to enslave your neighbour, the right to human hunting, or whatever obvious and unconscionable violation of human rights you might imagine. Then answer: why didn't we react in the same way? Some deep answers here.
We haven't learned from history: we are worse than Germans in Nazi Germany, who kept their regular lives, tolerating concentration camps next door.
Having failed the lesson, we are doomed to repeat their mistakes or worse. As Saint Mother Theresa prophesied, the violence of abortion spreads all over like a spiritual disease. Abortion leads to a spiral of crime and war.
2. The pro-life battle is being lost
The pro-death will keep winning unless we understand the root of the problem:
a) Who are promoting abortion as a global agenda, what their weaknesses are and how they can be defeated.
b) Depending on the country, about 90% of abortions are not surgical, but pharmaceutical (so Roe-Wade down, only solves 10% of the problem). About 90% of pharmaceutical abortions are from abortifacient so-called contraceptives: the elephant in the room of pro-life debate.
Many are celebrating in early victory the lowering or flattening of the abortion curve (some even laying down their arms), not realizing that if we account for every life, abortion is growing non-stop, everywhere. The recent Oklahoma law protecting life from conception, specifically excluded contraception, yet it was celebrated as a complete victory.
c) The vast majority of aborting women were on contraception (80% average): the main demand for abortion comes from the fake failure rate taught at Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) programs, funnelled by the same clique behind abortion. Not a coincidence.
d) The majority of pro-life women have aborted or are in risk of aborting due to their ignorance of the abortifacient effect of so-called contraception. Guilty ignorance? The anti-implantation effect of the already conceived baby is in the package leaflet.
e) In Greek mythology, the Hydra was a monster with many heads. Whenever you cut one off, two more appeared in its place. Each abortion is a hydra head. In order to defeat it you need to kill the heart of the beast: lust, sex outside life-marriage.
This means turning CSE upside down with “scientific education in love” (e.g. contraceptives fail, promote STIs, have deadly side effects, increase couple rotation and violence, increase unhappiness, depression, divorce, suicide rates, etc.).
f) In essence, it’s a spiritual battle, not a cultural one. The culture of death spreads on the death of the soul through mortal sin. Most probably, an unknown cloistered nun is saving more babies than the most well-known pro-life leaders, who don't seem to speak much about eternal hell and saving souls from the mortal sins of abortion, promiscuity, porn and lust.
g) We need to pray more for:
- The women in danger of aborting
- The men pushing them, especially by “respecting their decision no matter what”, implying they don’t care about their own flesh and blood, least the mother.
- The babies about to be aborted (the Divine Mercy chaplet guarantees salvation to the dying)
- The women dying in botched abortions (same chaplet)
- The dying in sin due to CSE
- The souls burning in purgatory (it's one of the spiritual acts of mercy)
- The authorities tolerating abortion
- The pro-lifers committing sins of omission
- Enlightenment from the Holy Spirit, asking for a clear conscience and the gift of tears for our sins, including recognizing we are responsible for all of that with our votes and lack of strong participation in politics (cf. Catholics in the political life[1]).
3. The souls of the aborted
There's a lot of approved theological content (Saints and Magisterium) that suggest there's an urgent need to pray for the innocent who died without sacraments (not only aborted babies, but also the already born children and the innocent grown-up handicapped).
Divine Justice to those souls means giving them a special opportunity to choose God and attain at least the same level of sainthood they’d have attained in a regular life.
In the economy of salvation extraordinary graces, like the ones applied to these babies, mean extraordinary draining of the capital of graces. This explains the fast decadence of humanity.
Economy means there’s a scarce resource. God’s graces are infinite, yet they are applied in history through their collection in containers of charity, that we build with each act of charity (Mass, sacraments, prayers, mercy works, etc.). Our hearts are the scarce resources.
The Church needs to analyse the issue of mystical baptism in depth (which wasn't addressed by the theological commission on limbo).
John Paul II wrote: “Above all, the common outcry, which is justly made on behalf of human rights-for example, the right to health, to home, to work, to family, to culture- is false and illusory if the right to life, the most basic and fundamental right and the condition for all other personal rights, is not defended with maximum determination.” [2]
It is because of lack of the required “maximum determination” that the genocide of the unborn sustained the same genocidal authorities that promoted the 7 genocide of the born. [3]
If it is really going to defend life from conception with the strength the genocide merits, the pro-life movement needs a public “examination of conscience” and an “act of contrition” with “sorrow for sins”, especially those of omission.
Our penance could an extra Rosary every day or fasting on bread and water all Wednesdays (the day Judas represented our treason) and Fridays (the day we crucified Jesus with our sins), as Christians did for nearly two millennia, a tradition asked to be revived by the messages attributed to Our Lady in Medjugorje, Salta, Porzus, etc.
Above all, abortion is a spiritual battle we are destined to win. The culture of death only reflects massive spiritual death through mortal sins. We know that sooner or later, the Immaculate Heart of Mary will win. She promised that in Fatima.
Please, with love and gratitude, offer one Hail Mary, now.
[1] Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Card. RatzingerJ., Bertone T. Doctrinal note on some questions regarding The Participation of Catholics in Political Life. 24 Nov 2002
[2] St. John Paul II, PP, Christifideles Laici, on the vocation and the mission of the lay faithful in the church and in the world, 30 Dec 1988 Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation, 38
[3] http://bit.ly/research2000