"By the Mystery of this water and wine....humbled Himself to share in our Humanity"
God’s Rejection of his people at Meribah and Massah
How often will we continue to turn away from the many blessings God continually places before us, while we take these for granted? The Israelites complained to Moses every step of the journey after leaving Egypt and almost wore out the generosity of God’s plenteous blessings. The lack of fresh water became a constant objection from the people who cried out to Moses and cursed God who seemingly forgot them. The place where Moses struck the rock which opened producing water and they had plenty to drink. Because the people quarreled and tested the Lord it was called Massah and Meribah. (Ex 17: 7).
They arrived at a place called Marah where they could not drink the water because it was bitter. The Lord pointed to a piece of wood and he instructed Moses to throw it into the water which made it fresh. Here is where the term wormwood originated. (Ex 15: 22 - 25).
From Revelation we see the third angel blowing his trumpet and a large star burning like a torch fell from the sky on the third of the waters. The star was called Wormwood and a third of the water turned to wormwood killing many people. (Rev. 8: 10 - 11).
See how quickly the journey from Egypt turned the hearts of the Israelites to mistrust as they condemned Moses and showed intense anger towards God. The anger now turned towards the people of the earth as seen in Revelation toward those who would not turn back to God and the Lamb are being destroyed. These are the ones who follow the ant-christ and the false prophet calling out for mercy where it is no longer available. (cf Rev. 18: ff).
Twenty-first century people, which is all of us, will find ourselves in a day not too far ahead where the waters will turn to wormwood as well. ThIs is the extreme adherence of living under a one-world government that becomes a controlled environment where we no longer have a say in what we do or where we go without answering to our new watchmen. It can be seen as a watchdog that will not allow freedom of worship and speech.
Does all of this appear as a sci-fi narrative that someone dreamed of writing to frighten the rest? Not at all! The signs of the times are real and threatening and following the pattern set by our ancestors thousands of years ago at Mt. Horeb when they ignored God in their quest to be free. This plea wasn’t heard when Babylon collapsed and the prognosis of humanity will end in the same way. That ends the final Judgment. It is imminent.
Ralph B. Hathaway, Judgment!