The Glory of this Holy Easter - Poem
We walk by Faith and not by sight
As a query by someone dissatisfied with the scandals of the past and too many rules that seem to confront our Church the questions appear to confound their beliefs in spite of the CCC. Of course, many if not all of the guidelines are for our faith and not any visible statements from too many TV preachers.
It was a time when church requirements stymied our adherence to obeying the rules handed down by Rome and/or the specific jurisdiction we were under. I remember our annual school picnic to Kennywood Park, an amusement facility for Pittsburgh always occurred on Friday. Our neighbors would tell us that it should be ok to eat hot dogs; after all it was a picnic.
We always were under the gun to listen to our priest who was following the dictates of the magisterium and warned of committing sin if we didn’t follow the rules. Perhaps that is the number one rejection of some protestant denominations to avoid Catholicism.
Today, we as cradle catholics can breathe a sigh of relief from those antiquated requirements that no longer become a weight on our faith. However, these past rules fit the simple tasks of doing something as a sign of keeping the reason for God sending his Son to redeem us. Without some type of sacrifice, as small as they were, reminded us of carrying a cross as small as they were.
Now, there doesn’t appear to be much in the way of giving a little to the mission Jesus set as an example. As with the reduction of prayers in school or even an adherence of no longer mentioning holy events or praise to Jesus publicly the old fashioned examples of no meat on Fridays or other small sacrifices might need some sort of return.
Each section of the CCC and our belief in what comes from the pulpits, or encyclicals from the Pope are needed in spite of any scandals or turn-offs we may hear. What appears as stumbling blocks to ourselves regarding the church should not become a manner of picking or choosing what part of Catholicism we follow. When we do that, our definition is known as cafeteria catholics. I can’t believe how many catholics do not believe in the Sacrament of Forgiveness. This is how we walk in Faith. Sight is when our connection to our Church is when scandals or disobedience to what we do not like becomes a direct slap and the obvious reason so many catholics walk away from the most precious gift we have; the Cathoic Faith.
Watch some of the cathoic programs that share testimonies from many who have come into the faith as catholics. We have more than any of the best preachers can offer. The blessed Mary, who is responsible for the Incarnation, becomes the Mother of God. Without her accepting God’s question, Jesus would not have taken on humanity. How about the Holy Eucharist, the real Body and Blood of Jesus Christ? Our sign of complete adherence to the plan God has promised. And, the gift of forgiveness although protestants believe that, we still have the theology of purgatory. A necessary path to cleansing our souls before entering the gates of paradise
To walk by Faith is deeper than allowing obstacles that creep into our vision. Scandals and unfamiliar rules that offend us are not the signs of finding God. Faith is the only way through Jesus. Compare this with Paul in Corinthians.” Yet we are courageous.” (2 Cor. 5: 8).
Ralph B. Hathaway