Landmark Work an Essential Companion for Understanding the Life of our Lord
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. War and Peace. Manchester, NH: Sophia Institute Press, 2022. Paperback $19.95. Ebook $9.99. Available from the publisher.
Venerable Fulton Sheen spoke out strongly against the dangers of Communism in his time and warned of the hidden battle that is being waged. "We are living in the days of the Apocalypse, the last days of our era. The two great forces of the Mystical Body of Christ and the Mystical Body of Antichrist are drawing up the battle lines for the catastrophic contest."
In War and Peace, Sheen discusses the pillars of peace, which include goodwill, morality, property, personality, family, freedom. This new collection contains his books:
Amid revolution and upheaval, Sheen incisively guides readers to overcome darkness with the Light of Christ amid the turmoil and unrest of the world. Decades ago he provided us with solutions when he proclaimed:
“The Lord brought a sword. It’s not the sword that’s thrust outward against the enemy. It’s a sword that’s thrust against ourselves, cutting out the seven pallbearers of the soul: pride and covetousness and lust and anger, envy, gluttony and sloth. And we’ve given up the sword — someone else has taken it up, and we have to restore it! Then we’ll get peace! And peace is never corporate — it’s never social — until it’s first individual. Social peace, world peace, is the extension of individual peace in our hearts. When we are right with God, then we will be right with our fellow man. When are not right with God, then we will be wrong with everyone else.”
In his characteristic prescience, Sheen lays bare ideologues throughout the centuries who led society away from God, moral order, and the dignity of the human person, as well as reasons for the persecution of Jews and Christians.
Sheen wasn’t afraid of proclaiming the truth, even when it challenged the faithful. He once said, “The press that we read, the television that we see, is in no instance inspired by Christian principles. As a matter of fact, there is, on the part of many of us, the tendency to go down to meet the world — not to lift the world up. We are afraid of being unpopular — so we go with the mob.”
According to reviewers “Fulton Sheen never disappoints,” and “This book is FANTASTIC!”
Check out an interview with Al Smith, the compiler of this book, on Seize the Day.
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