When friendships end: a Catholic perspective
The Worldwide Synod started in October of 2021 through the leadership of Pope Francis. The goal of the Synod is a global invitation to the faithful to walk together, to learn, and to grow as a church. It is a listening session both for local parishes and extending out to the whole universal church as an invitation to grow spiritually as a worldwide community of faith. It began in 2021, and it is a two-year process ending in 2023. The heart of the Synod is “communion, participation, and mission.” So, what exactly do these words mean to us as Catholics?
Communion is not only what we receive but it is who are as a communal people. The Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith. When we receive Holy Communion, we are called to become who we receive in a spiritual way. Communion is also being a part of something much greater as we commune with those around us in our living spaces but also as a parish community of faith. In a greater way, we are also part of the communion of the universal church, and this is what we are all called to be a part of. This is what “communion” means.
Participation may be viewed within the same context as communion. As Catholic Christians, we are called to participate in the Mass each week and for some daily. We participate in the sacramental life of the church, and this is participation. In an expanded way, we are also invited to participate in the life of our parish communities and of the church mission worldwide. Participation is an integral part of being a synodal church on a whole. Participating is an honor when we can do so within a community of faith which is our Catholic faith.
Mission much like communion and participation is where we go out to serve the human family. We use our gifts and talents to help to truly make the world a better place. It, again, is invitational not just to us but to all we meet. The mission of the Catholic Church is of love. Bringing love to a world which desperately needs to know and experience the love of God and of all of us. Mission is a prime piece of becoming more synodal. It is where members of the universal church come together in imitation of Christ to serve. It is a profound blessing.
How Do We Become More Synodal?
Becoming a synodal church begins with communion, participation, and mission when taken seriously. During the two-year process of the Worldwide Synod, it is the Holy Father’s hope that we can understand better these three words and open and ears and hearts to every member of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church. To learn more about the Worldwide Synod, go the the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops website by clicking here.