Celebrate the Sacred Heart of Jesus!
We know the evils of our time. Surely, they seem to almost double every 5 years. What was once unspeakable is now celebrated publicly. The evils that were unheard of yesterday, seem to all too common today. And we need to think of it as evil versus good. If evil is growing, why is God not growing the good as much, if not more?
Free will. We decide if we bring the good of God, grace, into this world. We are to be “salt and light”, a source of God’s grace into a world desperately in need of it. Yet, we decide that we want the comforts of this world. Being a light of grace in today’s world is frowned upon. We will lose friends and alienate family members. But, what are we to do?
We are given a choice. Do we stand with Jesus or do we stand with the world and its comforts? We cannot simply stand by and hope someone else will be the beacon of grace in this world. By doing so, we are rejecting Jesus and what He has called us to be. We are called to be “salt and light”. Not just those that will be canonized one day. No! We are ALL called to be beacons of grace to this world. We are all called to be saints, citizens of Heaven.
Will you be despised and hated? Yes. “If the world hates you, realize that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, the world would love its own.” [John 15:18-19] Do you belong to Heaven or this world? Are you a citizen of Heaven or a citizen of the world? It is hard to be hated, especially when you are hated because of love. Jesus knows this all too well. We should not run from it, but expect it.
If we love Jesus, surely we will have a peace that the world cannot take from us. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” [John 14:27] Live this peace. The world desperately needs this peace. The world needs beacons of peace and grace, and that is yours and my calling.
Jesus, You were hated by this world though You did nothing but love. Everything You did was ordered to bringing everyone to Heaven. Help us to order ourselves by love. Love for God and love for others, even if we do get rejected like You were and still are today. Let us not be among those that reject You. Amen.