How many moments have I wasted?
It is all too easy to see the chaos in this world. The prince of this world seeks the destruction of everyone in it. It nearly seems like he will win. Yes, we are in a war. A war between Heaven and Hell being played out in our world. Surely Jesus has “conquered the world” [John 16:33], but do we play any role in the battle? Or are we just watching and waiting for Jesus to do His conquering?
As the Body of Christ, it would seem that we have a role, but it seems unclear, since Jesus has “conquered the world” already. But it is similar to another seemingly contradictory from the Bible no less. St Paul says, “I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ on behalf of his body, which is the church.” [Colossians 1:24]
How can there be anything “lacking in the afflictions of Christ”? We can understand it with the rest of the passage. St Paul “fill[s] up what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ on behalf of his body, which is the church” “in [his] flesh”. St Paul is part of the Body of Christ, as are you and me. The Body of Christ suffered. So, we suffer in union with Christ because we are the Body of Christ. What is “lacking in the afflictions of Christ” is our participation in them.
Back to “conquer[ing] the world”. If we are to participate in Christ’s suffering, we are to then participate in His conquering and His glory. It was never enough just to believe, but true faith needs action. “[F]aith without works is dead.” [James 2:26] “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.” [Matthew 7:21]
So, what is our weapon that we might help in Christ’s conquering? It is the Rosary. “Bring me my weapon.” (St Padre Pio in reference to his rosary.) Saying it is a battle in and of itself. And why would Mary constantly be asking of us to pray the Rosary in all of the approved Marian apparitions? Does the Devil fear you? No. Does he fear your Mother in Heaven? YES! So, we need to go to Mom and cling to her arm asking her to rid us, and our world, of the Devil. What good mother would refuse a child such a request?
Mary, as your children, we request your assistance everyday. And with such a request, we promise to cling to your arm by praying the Rosary everyday. Amen.