The dichotomy of life; A doctor saves lives or destroys them
It’s time to change the way we think or the effort we use to find God
The Israelites were constantly entreated by the Lord on their journey from Egypt but every effort from God to show them his love met with many obstacles. It is a reminder that spouses or families struggle with when trying to correct a close child or addicted family member who has shown their prolific adherence to drugs and/or alcohol. Once one addicted person shows a propensity of their attachment to addiction unless they are willing to admit they have a problem there is not much you or I can do to change their choice.
A similar scenario exists with anyone who has become engrossed in the attraction to sinful images that are flooding the internet or even the massive existence of movie theaters in places like Times Square. The obvious problem that is so prevalent is how sin becomes an attraction to weakness that encompasses a large segment of the population. There are a lot of discussions by interested persons investigating the subjection of pornographic issues on so many people. Women are also easily infected with this objective problem.
Why are certain people affected so easily while others are not? Let’s go back to the very familiar enemy called sin. It is certain that all downfall towards the wrong direction in a moral society comes from sin, thrown at us by satan. His manner of corrupting humans is to seek the weakness in any person he is after and exposes our need for pleasure to an action we sometimes cannot control.
When David was seduced by his sexual weakness as he watched Bathsheba bathing sin followed quickly after and one sin led to another. Moses had his own sense of right affected when he killed a Egyption. It wasn’t an addiction he struggled with but an event that corrupted his well-being. Again, satan will become a real entity and cause our sense of right and wrong to be out of our control.
Each person in life has at least one or more weakness that if we are not careful will in a subtle way find ourselves trapped in a sin or small actions that lead to sin. Accepting the fact we are susceptible to a weakness towards something is the first step to healing.
Unnamed weakness is the worst example anyone can find themselves in. Because it isn’t a common affiliation to expected evils this possible implantation may remain way down in our physical essence burning a hole within us and one day it will explode causing us to become something we are not.
Whether it is a substance abuse, a sexual addiction, or some unknown adverse corruption, each one will become an object of the devil’s battle to seduce our soul and take our dependence on God and try to win our soul.
Ralph B. Hathaway