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The Supreme Court decision on Friday, which overturned Roe v. Wade, was followed by celebration from the pro-life movement supporters and opposition from the pro-abortion advocates. As a result, many businesses are raising their heads to ensure that abortion will still be on-demand for those who choose to kill their unborn child. In fact, they are paying employees to travel to states which will allow abortions if the employee is in a state, such as Texas or Tennessee, that will not allow abortion.
The fight against abortion and a death culture is not over. The evidence is in the lengths pro-abortion advocates are taking to ensure abortions are still available to those who choose to have one. Although it is a small group of companies who have changed their healthcare policy, or have vowed to do so, to pay for travel expenses for those seeking abortions, the number is expected to grow.
Currently, here is the list of companies who will pay employees to travel for abortions: Airbnb, Tesla, Yelp, Hewlett Packard, Apple, Mastercard, Salesforce, Paramount, Lyft, Amazon, Alaska Airlines, Gucci, DoorDash, Uber, Microsoft, Citigroup, Match Group, Bumble, Starbucks, Netflix, Disney, Patagonia, JPMorgan Chase, PayPal, Levi Strauss & Co., Meta, Conde Nast, and Dick’s Sporting Goods.
Although the coverage differs, these companies will be putting profits back into ensuring abortion is available for their employees. For example, Netflix will reimburse expenses for employees and their dependents to travel for abortions up to $10K lifetime allowance per employee and dependent. Additionally, DoorDash released a statement saying, “It’s paramount that all DoorDash employees and their dependents covered on our health plans have equitable, timely access to safe healthcare”
Starbucks will not only cover the travel expenses for abortions, but they will also reimburse expenses for gender-affirming procedures. Additionally, Amazon said the company will reimburse employees up to $4K annually when they’re forced to travel over 100 miles to obtain an abortion. This could enable an employee to have unlimited abortions thanks to your Amazon Prime membership.
“You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am wonderfully made.” (Psalm 139:13-14)
Many Church leaders, including the bishops of Tennessee, issued statements thanking the Supreme Court for its decision while maintaining a call to prayer and assistance for pregnant mothers.
“Together, as the bishops of Tennessee, we thank the United States Supreme Court for its careful consideration of the constitutional issues surrounding abortion and express our encouragement that it has ruled in favor of the right to life for the unborn. Arguments before the court made it clear that our ever-expanding scientific knowledge has identified the fact that everything essential for a growing human life is present from the moment of conception. Only time and nourishment are necessary to bring that life forward, created in the likeness and image of God with the human dignity enshrined by the creator in each of us as His children. We pray for all those facing pregnancies both planned and unplanned, and pledge to redouble our efforts to support mothers, fathers, and children at every stage of life,” signed by Bishop David P. Talley (Diocese of Memphis), Bishop J. Mark Spalding (Diocese of Nashville), and Bishop Richard F. Stika (Diocese of Knoxville).
The Church has consistently stood against abortion, despite the attempts of pro-abortion politicians such as President Joe Biden and Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The Catechism says “since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable. Direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law.” (CCC 2271)
The Church has always maintained a conviction that abortion is gravely wrong at every stage and, at the very least, abortion has always been viewed as an attack on a human being and human destiny as laid out in Sacred Scripture.
“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.” (Jeremiah 1:5)
Abortion is one of the modern issues which has sifted the Church to allow those who truly follow Christ to rise to the top while others fall to the bottom with those of the world. From the earliest times, Christians have distinguished themselves from the world in many ways. Sacred Scripture, Tradition, and history in general give many examples where Christians have set themselves apart from the pagan cultures and rejected abortion and infanticide. Specifically, the Didache and the Letter of Barnabas have both explicitly condemned abortion, as well as particular Church councils and historical documents.
It is crucial for Catholics to understand the Church’s teaching as well as the reasons and foundations behind those beliefs. As Christians, we are called to surrender to Christ and the teachings of the Church are not always in line with our personal beliefs. However, to be a follower of Christ we must be willing to forsake that which we believe in our own lives according to what we desire or expect and surrender to the truth given to us by the Lord.