Book Review: Listening for God by Teresa Tomeo
In a historic vote of the Supreme Court on Friday, June 24, 2022, the court officially overturned the Roe v. Wade decision of 1973. There is no longer a federal constitutional right to abortion after this ruling. As Catholic Christians practicing the faith, we know and are aware of the value of every human life. For this reason, this is a victory for those who believe that life begins at the moment of conception and that each life has value and deserves a chance at living. Below are three ways to practice the art devotion to a culture of life.
Prayer for the Unborn
First and foremost, prayer for the unborn is the way in which the sanctity of life can and will continue. Without prayer, the overturning of Roe v. Wade would not have happened. Forty-nine years of endless prayers by those who cherish and value life have come to fruition. It does not end here. Prayer must continue for this movement to spread especially to those who are not of this mindset. Prayer for the mothers, fathers, families, and all those affected is of upmost importance. In addition, prayer for we as people of faith to step forward to help new mothers, those who have been affected by abortion, and for everyone involved is imperative. Everyone is cared about, loved, and supported.
Do Something for the Pro-life Movement
A culture of life will not be built without helpers. Get involved by praying, helping at a crisis pregnancy center, or in some other tangible way helps to support those mothers and families who choose life. This is how the culture of life is supported and spread. Everyone needs to do their part to create a more just and pro-life society.
Help Families in Crisis
Families who are in crisis need the on-going support of the church and people of faith and goodwill. The gospel implores all of us to do our part. When we pray for and care about those mothers who have tough choices, we are partaking in the mission of the church. This is an on-going task not only of the Catholic Church but of the whole world. Find a way to help a family who could use your outreach. Contact your parish, your local pro-life group, or a crisis pregnancy center. Group efforts help to make things happen to help create a more pro-life society overall. Keep in mind that being a culture of life encompasses the whole life span. Be sure to support those facing adversities of all ages including the middle aged, and older adults. There are non-profits dedicated to helping families in crisis such as the St. Raymond Nonnatus Foundation. To contact the foundation cilck HERE.
When people of faith come together to act on loving others in all ways, a more just and peaceful society will be created. Pro-life means supporting life from conception through natural death. As we pray, support the movement, and help those families who are in crisis, we will begin to see greater fruits from the prayers of the last 49 years.