"Recall Abortion" Book Review
We are all rejoicing the pro-life decision of our Supreme Court, but the fight is now at state level.
Did you know that there are "abortion doulas" out there? These "vile" people help women obtain abortions. (the name abortion doula is a misnomer to begin with)
But, let's back up a little - what is the TRUE definition of a doula to begin with?
A TRUE doula helps a mother during her pregnancy and childbirth and postpartum - she helps as a birth coach and she also helps fathers/dads as well. She is professionally trained and usually has a certificate of completion from a doula school. (See below for more info).
So, a true doula doesn't have anything to do with killing a baby or helping a mother obtain an abortion. However, there are some "full spectrum" doulas who do just that.
So, that's why more than ever, we need Catholic and Pro-life doulas!! The only pro-life true doula association to be trained at is www.catholicdoula.com
Why do we need doulas more than ever? There are many mothers now after this court case that will now give life to a baby! These mothers need pro-life support. We aim at offering education to help these women even the low income women. In fact, we still want to start a non-profit to help them in the near future as part of Bettering Lives of Outstanding Moms - B.L.O.O.M. http://momsofbloom.weebly.com for information.
So, pro-life doulas are needed in order to avoid "back alley" abortions and to encourage women to a) give life b) keep their baby or c) adopt their baby out. Doulas can support mothers throughout their pregnancy and birth time.
Doulas can help mamas by providing resources, providing birth plans for their baby, helping with adoption if they are wanting to place baby for adoption - we can help reach out to agencies. Doulas can be there at the birth of the baby in order to give this mother who was considering abortion - the best support ever and to help her handle the idea of being a parent! Want a low cost virtual doula please go to: http://ourladysmantledoula.weebly.com and look at that site! Virtual doula means I won't be able to help in person - but I can help in a long distance way for any mama and I can do sliding scale. Thanks.
To listen to a video about doulas go here (note: I didn't have my audio on till 30 seconds later): https://youtu.be/nruLYyY3flA
Learn about birth doulas here: https://youtu.be/eG4lQWajjXo
Postpartum doula info here: https://youtu.be/GL6Wu153-Fc
About some of my books: https://youtu.be/Q5_J8yqwNK4 (In fact I'll honor this giveaway through July 31st, 2022) Comfort in Birth Method https://www.amazon.com/Comfort-Birth-Method-Second-toolkit/dp/B09TDSCD87/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1RKRVTOV0EPOQ&keywords=comfort+in+birth+method&qid=1656367934&s=books&sprefix=comfort+in+birth+method%2Cstripbooks%2C93&sr=1-1 is one book I wrote and also "A Catholic Postpartum" is another book I wrote link here: https://www.amazon.com/Catholic-Postpartum-Julie-Larsen/dp/B08HGPPRCW/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3GM54DTAW9008&keywords=a+catholic+postpartum&qid=1656367973&s=books&sprefix=a+catholic+postpartum%2Cstripbooks%2C114&sr=1-1 . Both of these are available at amazon or Lulu Press. Thank you.
If you are a mother who has thought about becoming a doula and are ready to take the jump - we are extending our sale through July 4th for our doula classes - after that we are raising our rates due to inflation - get 2 books and your class with this Secret Doula Sale!!
If you are not sure - schedule a phone call with us and we can answer anyof your questions!! http://www.catholicdoula.com/contact.html