Life As A Dirt Bag
JULY 4, 1776
On this date the second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence announcing the separation of the colonies from Great Britain. What impelled this separation? It was, in fact, a traitorous rebellion on the part of the Colonials. But as they put forth their reasons for this course of action, one can take a different view.
“We hold these truths to be self evident.....”
1. All people are created equal, (but not in the European class system)
2. All are endowed by the Creator with certain inalienable rights--life, liberty and the right to pursue happiness and
3. When any form of government...becomes destructive of these ends, the people have to right to form a new government. Now that was shocking and still is today.
Truth didn’t used to need a definition. Today truth is what ever you want it to be or what the media says is the truth!
Thomas Jefferson believed that our liberties are a gift from God. Gifts can’t usually be taken back. “If a nation has no virtue it’s in a wretched state,” stated James Madison. Madison goes on to declare that people must have virtue and intelligence in order to elect people of virtue and wisdom. That sounds like a strong indictment on the last fifty years of U.S. elections! You get what you vote for. How can everybody’s truth be true? That makes no sense to intelligent people.
I am inclined to agree with Abraham Lincoln on the reason for the lack of wisdom and truth in the world. He said that, “We have forgotten God! We have forgotten the Hand which preserved our peace, multiplied and enriched and strengthened us. We have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some SUPERIOR WISDOM AND VIRTUE OF OUR OWN! Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become self-sufficient and too proud to pray to God!” I’d say not much has changed since 1865 other than things have gotten worse.
If that what was Lincoln’s perception of our nation so long ago, what has gotten changed?
Church and Synagogue attendance has dropped. Some churches have closed their doors. Then we saw a huge decline in religious vocations. Catholic schools are shadows of what they were fifty years ago. Crime rates hav skyrocketed. Addictions of every kind have increased. Corporations have moved middle class and entry level jobs overseas. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Now even Church buildings are desecrated.
Mr. Lincoln was a prayerful person who reflected deeply and his assessment regarding the decline in worshipping God has led to a decrease in virtue in society in general. We hardly expect honesty or truth anymore. If we are awake and reading the signs of the times in this 21st century, we need to reflect again on Jefferson’s notion that a well informed citizenry is the best defense against tyranny! Have you read the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution lately? Do you have a copy? Can we quote our rights to a political candidate? It is our duty as a Christian to not only know our Scripture and Church Teaching but also the founding principles of our nation. I believe it is our moral duty.
The public schools are not teaching what we were taught. No more civics, American History or World History in any depth. Text book companies have removed much of our heritage and replaced it with a more socialist, tolerant agenda fitting the dictates of the One World Order. Many founding heroes are painted in an ugly light based on today’s “truths” versus the culture of the period. Our children are being indoctrinated with a main stream agenda which may be in conflict with your religious and political vision. Parents need to read their children’s textbooks at every level. Even some children’s story books have another agenda. Look to the USSR and how they indoctrinated the populace. In the schools! Parents lost many rights over their children. Germany followed suit under Hitler.
The opinion of James Madison was that when people become ignorant and corrupt they degenerate into a people that can no longer exercise their rights of sovereignty. That is when the usurpation of power of a nation is an easy attainment. Are we in the midst of such a takeover? Some think so.
During the pandemic we were bombarded with one-sided news about the causes, dangers and solutions of an unknown manufactured virus Other voices were cancelled. Reputable scientists and medical personnel from elite institutions and even Nobel Prize winners in virology who dared to differ with the media opinion were silenced, shut out or given no air-time. Scientists voices were suppressed. If you were unaware that there were alternative news networks for another opinion then you unknowingly drank the Kool Aid! The mainstream news led us to accept lockdowns, closed churches and public spaces resulting in an increase in mental illness, depression, suicides and for children forced to learn on-line for two years of isolation. For those with fragile mental health it is even be looked into as one of the causes for increased school shootings. The whole COVID experience was detrimental from nearly every perspective. What we learned is that scare tactics can shut down the world!
Ben Franklin, though not the most virtuous man, was brilliant. He held the opinion that when there is a difference of opinion both sides ought to have the CHANCE to be heard. That did not happen during COVID. What he says is fair and is basic common sense. Too often truth is obscured by bribes, threats and even job loss. The voice of reason and truth is drowned out.
We come to believe what is true, too often, by what is repeatedly voiced, blared and shouted at us. It is almost like brainwashing. As Christians and American Christians our goal should always to be to seek objective truth (yes it does exist) and to promulgate it and defend it, with our life if necessary. In doing so we defend the Lord Jesus who said, “I am the Truth.”
If this Nation is to be a world leader again, she needs to restore her moral credibility. Stand for what is right and not always with might. She should stand for justice, especially for the underdog. We were once the champions of the underdog! We need to find God again and make Him the center of our lives. We need to follow God’s precepts, and live as he directed us. No more tearing down the 10 commandments!
I suggest that Catholic families unite in informal groups to pray and discern what is happening around us on the local and national level. Vet political candidates well. Don’t take your opinion from the nightly news alone. Read what your children read and discuss it with them, do the same with TV. Ask them what their teachers say about different topics. Take control of your family. Not only may you save their souls but you may save our heritage.
We need to know our history, know our faith well and join with like minded people in our parishes and community. It is necessary to preserve the past and insure our future.
Surprisingly, Thomas Jefferson said that in his day, “Sadly, nothing can be believed that is seen in the newspaper. The state of misinformation is known only to those who are in a position to confront the facts.” Sounds like he wrote it today! We too need to confront facts with facts.
All quotes taken from “ The Founders Speech to a Nation in Crisis” by Steven Rabb
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