Should we pray for the conversion of Russia?
Although President Joe Biden claims to be a “devout Catholic”, his recent initiatives seem to contraindicate his claim. Over the last several days the President, acting through the State Department, seems to be actively promoting Atheism.
As has been well documented and reported, “The State Department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor announced a funding opportunity last April for projects to “combat discrimination, harassment and abuses against atheist, humanist, non-practicing and non-affiliated individuals of all religious communities by strengthening networks among these communities and providing organizational training and resources.” The Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) was officially titled ‘DRL FY20 IRF Promoting and Defending Religious Freedom Inclusive of Atheist, Humanist, Non-Practicing and Non-Affiliated Individuals. It announced a ‘competitive’ process that would award grants of up to $500,000 to organizations committed to the practice and spread of atheism and humanism, namely in South/Central Asia and in the Middle East/North Africa. In the NOFO, the State Department characterizes atheists as a unique religious group while then encouraging the building of "networks and advocacy groups" for atheists.
A number of lawmakers wrote; “that "Americans rightly discern this as a part of the broader effort on the part of your administration to promote radical, progressive orthodoxy abroad" and highlighted that atheism "is an integral part of the belief system of Marxism and communism." They continued, “that it is one thing for the Department to be tolerant and respectful of a wide range of belief systems" and "to encourage governments to respect the religious freedom interests of their citizens. It is quite another for the United States government to work actively to empower atheists, humanists, non-practicing, and non-affiliated in public decision-making. Any such program – for any religiously-identifiable group – in the United States would be unconstitutional."
"In addition to its constitutionally dubious legal foundation, we also question how such a grant or cooperative agreement program advances the foreign policy interests of the United States," it continued. "Were such programs known by the citizens of the target countries, we would expect that local populations, interest groups, and governments would bristle at what any ‘objective observer’ would see as ‘covert’ funding from a foreign power designed to shatter local religious and cultural relationships."
The funding provided by the Biden administration to the organizations selected by the department are used to support building “networks and advocacy groups” for atheists, according to the official notice. However, it has been reported, by sources such as EWTN, that this is taxpayer monies.
But the lawmakers accuse the State Department of in fact, building a “missionary network,” of atheists. According to lawmakers, “We are writing to express our grave concern that the State Department is using appropriated funds to support atheism and radical, progressive orthodoxy across the world” The letter continues, “This is not “religious freedom.” This NOFO, like others we have reviewed, prioritizes atheists and humanists above all other potential recipients. Not only does such a priority violate both the Establishment and Free Exercise Clauses, but also the No Religious Test Clause of Article VI of our nation’s constitution. In the NOFO, the State Department characterizes atheists as a unique religious group while then encouraging the building of “networks and advocacy groups” for atheists. This would be analogous to official State Department promotion of religious freedom “particularly for Christians” in China, with the express goal being to build a corresponding missionary network. Obviously, this goal that would never pass constitutional muster and would be derided by radical leftist bureaucrats in your agency as completely out-of-bounds. So why is this atheist NOFO not viewed with similar objection?.”
A headline in the EU Times, reads “Biden Ditches God; Atheism is now the American Dream”. As the voices of the legislators suggest, it is acceptable to promote all religious faiths. But to single out “humanism”, a euphemism for Atheism, is unconscionable. Literally, “humanism” is belief in humanity. Theologian/Philosopher Charles Hartshorne has said that Atheism is the highest form of egotism, as nothing is seen as higher than humanity. It seems that our “devout Catholic” President,forgot the words of the Gospel, Matthew 28:19; Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Contact your elected officials to stop this horrendous program.