Another Shooting, Are you Serious?
Over there, over there, say a prayer
July 4, 1776
We celebrate the signing of the Constitution of the United States of America, with shouts of joy, and thoughts of what will follow us as citizens of the United States.
What price we have paid for freedom that sometimes eludes so many. Standing up for heroes who shed their blood, singing songs that remind us all of what the Stars and Stripes of our flag mean to each one.
From the fighting to save our nation in 1776 to the last struggle of Vietnam and many wars in between we sent men and women to foreign countries with a spirit of releasing millions from the tyranny that surrounds them.
Each year, beginning with Memorial day, to veterans day, and culminating on the fourth of July, our nation pays tribute to honor countless men and women who willing gave their time and lives so you and I may live in freedom.
At times many of us are asked to stand and receive an acclamation for our contribution while wearing the uniform of our chosen branch of service. Past or present we served for that honorable position of being ready to fight or die for you. When asked what it feels like to be called a hero we will quickly remind all that the real heroes lie buried in foreign countries, some without a marker as to who they are. In Pearl Harbor, many veterans lie buried beneath the ship called Arizona trapped from an attack by Japanese Zeros. We who were not there carry the scars of battle in an emotional manner since we were also ready to answer the call.
The indictment we were told is that no matter what our position each one meant our willingness to serve keping the enemy away and made them spend more time because of it. No I did not have to fight while as a soldier, but I would have taken the position of facing the enemy if called upon. My first response is that the American flag is more than stars and stripes blowing in the breeze, it stands for each signature of the Constitution, each member of the armed forces living or dead, and every American praying for peace and living as God intended.
How many persons, especially those who never wore a uniform, really understand what all this means when they tear down the flag, burn institutions of higher learning and promote hatred to government via insurrection in our streets?
Respect is not an assurance, it must be earned. We have earned that respect by serving and receiving the efforts of the citizens of this great country. Over there, we are coming to secure our God-given right of freedom. Let us pray that everyone lives to make us free.
Ralph B. Hathaway, July 4th.