Jesus - God With US
Abortion – The Unborn Child Speaks
Submitted by Thomas Stidl
While watching television on either Newsmax or One America News after the Supreme Court decided a case, which nullified Roe v. Wade, a film clip of Ronald Reagan began to play. The Gipper remarked that the only person not consulted in an abortion decision was the child. Upon hearing that, I stopped for a moment to wonder what the child might say to his mother about this momentous decision. Many thoughts filled my head. So if that child could talk, it might sound like this.
“Hi Mommy, how are you doing today? I sense from your thoughts that you are contemplating an abortion. Can I reason with you on that subject? Where is the bravado that you had on the night of the act that brought about my conception? You know that I am a helpless, innocent human life. No matter how you try to abort me either by the morning after pill or dismemberment of all my limbs a being vacuumed out of you, I will feel pain both emotionally and physically. You will not feel very well either if that decision is carried out. Worse than what I just described, if you decide on a partial birth abortion where the doctors deliver me by breach birth, but before I can be born, the doctors insert a large needle into the base of my skull and suck out my brains. Is that what you really want? Remember the Olivet Discourse by Jesus when he said that whatever you do the smallest of brothers and sisters, you did to Me. After all, you are my mommy!!!”
“Now I will understand if you put me up for adoption due to the financial hardships that I will cause you. But before you do that, please check into the Catholic Social network for all available assistance. I real do not want to lose my mommy. Also, whatever happened to my daddy? He should join you in this endeavor in raising me. Part of this is his doing also. He should marry you or at least pay you child support, but I will try to be understanding of both of you if I am put up for adoption. I do hope that both of you will keep close contact with the agency so that when I turn either 18 or 21, I may find both of you. I want to thank, hug and kiss you for allowing me to live.”
“If you think about it, you may need someone to care for you in your old age. If you decide to raise me, I realize that the first few years will be filled with the hard work of feedings and dirty diapers. The work does not end there. Then comes my education. Did you ever think that by allowing my birth, possibly you offspring might find the cure for cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and more? Or maybe I will just grow up to be a productive member of society. Possibly, I will marry and give you grandchildren. As a very old song says, ’Whatever will be, will be. The future is not ours to see. Que sera, sera.’ “Thank you, Mommy, in advance for all your hard work as I know it is done with great love. I love you, Mommy.”
Jesus once said that greater love has no person that will give his life for someone else. Raising a child is that type of love.
I would imagine that the unborn child would have more to say. I can only hope that the message, however simple, at least partially reflects what an unborn child might feel. That unborn child is in the safest place that exists in its human life. Let’s keep it that way. Please make the right decision for the child. Choose Life!!!!
Until next time, Laus Tibi, Christe. Deo Gratias. Praise be to God. See you in Paradise.