A time to hope, a time to pray, a time to allow God into our hearts
The James Webb Space Telescope
A phenomenon that has surpassed the former Hubble Telescope that opened the heavens to the world. The James Webb telescope was launched December 25, 2021, sent to probe the cosmos hoping to uncover the history of the universe from the Big Bang to alien planet formation and beyond. It will be at least one million miles past the earth and may last for at least 20 years.
Space exploration and the outer reaches of the universe can be exciting and informative to science and even the spiritual interest of all who believe in God. When we hear the term Big Bang the question of science and original creation by God comes into conflict. Whenever Agnostics plead their understanding that everything suddenly popped into existence without an explanation of what that means. They say it just happened. Our response to that is you can not create something from nothing. The premise of the Big Bang is ok, but something occurred from an entity and that is God. Since God had no beginning the universe however it became had its existence from God.
It is interesting to see how the world as we know it has evolved from the destruction by some outer space phenomenon such as meteorites or some explosive catastrophe. The ice-age then formed, wiping out the dinosaurs and preparing our planet for new growth and the beginning of some type of life that inherited this third planet from the sun.
That brings the question of are we the only planet in all the universe that has life; the type that identifies the human race? Skeptics might say it isn’t possible. The same skepticism existed when ancient societies were afraid to sail on ships too far as they might fall off the earth. There was a heresy when Nicolaus Copernicus said the the Earth along with the other planets rotated around the Sun. There have always been people with a genius perspective of reality on our planet.
Therefore, could there be life of some form that may be intelligent somewhere in the universe? If it was proven that the Earth was not flat, and the Sun did not revolve around us, the probability of alien life must exist somewhere in the universe. There have been questions by some scientists about a second universe. What about Black Holes that in themselves leave many unanswered questions. We have barely scratched the surface of just our planet and are beginning to explore the depths of the oceans.
Exploring space, searching the oceans, are so insignificant when we as finite persons don’t even have answers about the many mysteries of God. Of course, man has come a long way in finding new pathways to science and eventually will uncover the secrets we need to evolve with curung cancer, aids, and many other maladies. But to understand the mysteries of God will not occur in our lifetime. These will remain as long as our finite existence remains on this side of eternity. Then, if God feels we need an answer it will be his discretion. There is the fact once we are with God we may not be concerned. We shall enjoy the heavenly existence with God!
Ralph B. Hathaway