The One Thing to Remember about Prayer
Do you ever wonder if you are worthy? At Mass, right before we receive Holy Communion, we say these words, “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.” This comes from Matthew 8:8 when the centurion asks Jesus to heal his servant. Jesus does heal the servant because it is not so much about who we are or our worthiness, but who Jesus is. Jesus is a healer.
We, however, often have many reasons why life will not work out for us as it does for others. We have thoughts in our heads that prevent us from realizing or believing that God wants our good. We have turned over our thoughts to the enemy and he uses them to point out our failures, past mistakes, and beliefs we have from others that are untrue – basically, the thoughts that tell us we are not worthy.
We are worthy. We are created in the image and likeness of God, redeemed by His Son, Jesus and filled with the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we are more than worthy!
Sadly, we don’t always believe this and as someone who has struggled with this and sometimes still does, I want to help you rid yourself of negative thoughts and turn to scripture as the place where your beliefs about yourself begin. I have created a challenge course, Be the Boss of your Brain, and you can learn about it right here.
Here is one tip to help you overcome negative thinking. When you start to hear the negative thought, stop what you are doing and say to yourself, “I am a child of God most high and with Him, can do what is before me.”