Go to Heaven. Go directly to Heaven. Do not pass GO. Do not ...
The world is in a bad place right now. Perhaps more so than at any time in history. Some would argue that it is a different type of bad place we are in. But at least we would agree that we are experiencing very difficult times albeit we may have different views on the causes and the remedies.
As we progress and "mature" in our Christianity, we become more aware and increasingly sensitive to the wrongs around us.
What in the past we merely observed as a wrong done by others, we now feel deeply the wrongs that surround us and the way they affect others. Even if we are not directly involved in others' suffering, and we are mere spectators, our closeness to Christ makes us feel and share the hurt done to people we have never met directly, but have only heard about them in the news.
So in sharing with their grief, albeit privately, and in feeling helpless perhaps in our ability to change the situation; where does that leave us in terms of Christ's commandment to love one another?
Love for the "victim", the needy, the destitute and the oppressed in the wrong-doings may come naturally to us. But what is our obligation to love the cause of the wrong-doing. Whether it be an individual, or a situation or circumstances?
Central to all occurrences in this world is God's love.
As a caring Father He loves His creations whatever the circumstances and whatever our behaviour and conduct. He is well aware that individuals, whilst exercising their freedom to choose, have chosen the wrong path, more likely influenced by the evil one. Yet, despite the transgressions of such people, He still loves them as would any parent whose children have wandered off to follow their own path.
God's love is never changed or untouched by the events of this world or the behaviour of the human race. It is this very love that allows some to wander from the path of righteousness and follow their own will. To do otherwise would mean to interfere with the very gift of self-will which He has bestowed upon us.
God's love is a place of safety for every trusting soul whatever the power of darkness can manifest on this world.
Our sensitivity to such darkness should be tempered by the knowledge and conviction that God's love will conquer in the end; indeed, has done so already at the Cross when Christ had overcome the world.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)