If today I meet the Lord what recompense shall I Need?
The Crown of Victory; The Cross of Christ
An extension to Cross/Crucifix
As one may sit and contemplate the real meaning of what a crown is supposed to look like or send a feeling of accomplishment the reality of these senses will rest on the outstretched arms of Christ as he hung there dying. Of course once you get that image in your mind you understand it should be, “as he hangs there dying” since the collapse of time indicates the crucifixion is occurring as we observe this reality.
It can never be so difficult to imagine that if we had been there 2,000 years ago or sitting in a church in 2022 the sacrifice is imminent and no one can dismiss the pain that being there should send chills up our spines as the assurance Jesus did this for you and me.
A contemplative is able to absorb the past from our perspective within the spiritual entity of nails pounding, blood coming forth, people looking on, and enemies of God being convicted of their disbelief. That disbelief becomes a realistic opening of a mind that was clouded with pride and now cries for forgiveness.
This is where the sight of a crown becomes victorious because it is here that no other vestige of suffering can release the punishment due us and has been ransomed by the Son of God. If for no other reason to sit and cherish this thought of a crown being crushed has become a victory for you and me.
When the opportunity to position yourself blanking out all that is around you and allow these memories that in reality are present as it is happening, feel the warmth of an entity that is the Spirit of God starting at your feet and working his way up to your mind touching every sense of your being and completing a feeling that becomes indescribable. I saw that one time when my daughter was sick with some unknown malady while I was at a charismatic gathering 50 miles away. During a session of prayer and healings were being announced, a man in the back of the room said someone was being healed of a severe intestinal illness. No one claimed it until I later got home and my wife said your daughter was very sick and her husband had taken her to an emerg-a care. When I called to see how she was doing her response was “I was in the bathroom vomiting and diarrhea when all of a sudden a warm feeling came over me starting at my feet and surging through my body. I fell off the toilet and was ok.” When I asked her what time this occurred, she said around 9:00 o’clock when the man called out the healing. That is what that essence from the Spirit is like. It can’t be described but when one experiences it they will know from where it came! This is the cross of Christ complete with more than suffering, but with even the beginning of freedom from all that stands between us and God.
Ralph B. Hathaway