And Now What?
Somebody you know decides to ask you if you would be the godparent of their child. Most of us would answer emphatically "You bet I want to be your child's godparent!" However, it's not as simple as that. Being asked is an honor, but there are also responsibilities that go along with being a godparent, and sending the kid a birthday gift and Christmas gift are not part of them even though most Godparents tend to think that's as far it goes. As a godparent, we are called to assist in the Catholic upbringing of the child.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: 1255 For the grace of Baptism to unfold, the parents' help is important. So too, is the role of the godfather and godmother, who must be firm believers, able and ready to help the newly baptized - child or adult on the road of Christian life. Their task is a truly ecclesial function (officium). The whole ecclesial community bears some responsibility for the development and safeguarding of the grace given at Baptism.
Not everybody is cut out to be a Doctor, right? That's because there are certain responsibilities that go along with being a Doctor that some people just can't handle. It's not embarrassing to admit "I can't be a Doctor" and it shouldn't be embarrassing either to admit that you may not be ready for the responsibilities of being a godparent.
As a godparent, you may be called to step in and assist the parents with the child’s religious education and so on. When we take on the role of godparent, we are promising to God to do the best that we can to raise the child in the faith. So before you answer "yes" the next time you are asked if you'd like to be a godparent, take a step back and ask yourself a few questions: Am I following the rules set by the Magisterium of the Catholic Church? Do I do my best every day to do the will of God and not my own? Am I an example of my Catholic faith to others, and will I be that example to this child? These are just three simple questions, but if you answer "No" to any one of them, then you may not be as ready to take on the role of godparent, and that is ok. It is better to admit that we are not ready than to make a promise to God that we cannot keep.