The Breath of God
Before all that is; I am
To everything that is attractive to me, before my senses are lavished with wealth on earth, I Am. The very words that the Lord repeated over and over to the Israelites, and Jesus also speaking to those who would try to destroy him by denying his divinity.
Out of fairness we must adhere that the Jews believed in the Messiah coming to earth with a blazing sword of redemption that they have been waiting for. After so many years of wandering in the desert through the sins of disbelief they are about to see this phenomenon of the Christ coming through the veil of the Lord’s midst to free them from their enemies. Their image would be a savior riding on a white horse carrying a sword that would cut down this final evil, the establishment of Rome. He, the savior, would free all the Jews from the onslaught of suffrage that began in Egypt and followed them to Jerusalem.
When Moses confronted God at the burning bush, that was not consumed, and became the warrior who would lead the Hebrew nation out of Egypt, God told Moses to say “I AM sent me.
These words not only identified the authority Moses would carry, it also carried with it a future where God’s people would succeed and a savior indeed was coming. (Ex. 3: 13 -14).
The Pharisees questioned Jesus about his authority and that they followed Abraham as his descendants. Jesus said, “Before Abraham was, I AM.” (Jn. 8: 58).
Each of us also sojourns in a world that is unkind, unfair, and unjust. We are traveling in a culture that refrains from a righteous entity that forgives, loves all humanity, and seeks freedom for all. Somewhere along the way too many people are finding it is easier to follow the crowd, especially those who command and control the dictates that began with Moses receiving the Ten Commandments which still are relevant today.
This could be why those who are the power to be will end up with a purpose relegated to take over not only our political and church activities, they will take over our ability to refute their control of each man, woman, and child.
I Am will still be in control of our souls and with this advocacy our spiritual future will not depend on Washington or whatever new government that may exist can win.
Ralph B. Hathaway