Putting God in a Box
Today’s readings call to question what we spend our energy and time on – the vanities and lesser things of life.
Perhaps these readings spoke because I have fallen more into the vanities of life recently – the accumulation of possessions for each room of our new home, home improvements to make our house look better, focusing on getting to the next level of my career, what our next vacation is going to be, and so forth. Once one thing is done, I find another thing to focus on that isn’t necessarily God-inspired.
As I reflect on all these things and where my time, energy and focus is going on a daily basis, I realize that none of them are all that important. The new tile for my kitchen floor that’s getting installed has no bearing on my eternal life. The shows I watch in the evening have no significance to how God will judge me. The desire to reach a different level of career is nothing more than a worldly striving. None of that really matters in the end. It’s all vanity.
These are the things we waste our lives on. So where does that leave us?
I think God wants us to spend more time and focus on the things of God. Love. Service. Relationships/Community. Prayer. Giving. Those are the things we probably say we never have time for because we’re too busy buying, striving, accumulating, and even setting our kids up to do the same – vanities. The things of God are enduring. Everything else is rubbish.
So today, take an honest look at your life and your family’s. Are all things vanity or is there room for the things of God?