Who's running the Church? That is the Roman Catholic Church!
From Sanctity to Oblivion without God
Is it possible for someone who appears to be holy to fall from grace, as the adage goes, or can that person retain what has been given from God no matter what activities surround that person? From out of nowhere comes a temptation that goes beyond any guidance or educational consensus that suddenly corrupts the intellect and morality of this once holy person.
Do we see this happening in our moral minded society where the church stands as a bulwark against such evils that even angels struggle to divert the onslaught of a creeping entity seeking to smother souls with the deepest tentacles that want to drag them away from the very essence of God? The answer to this is an unfortunate yes.
Open your eyes America, because as many steadfast people who are holy there are many more that have sold their trusted heritage to Satan by becoming just as he is. To fall into the clutches of sin, without realizing it has a name, is to be in the worst condition of evil. If these people ever come out of what should only be a dream, but isn’t, will seek out for the God they refused to honor or respect as their souls are plummeting into hell. Going to hell is not what God wants for them, it will be because while they had an opportunity to find forgiveness they willingly chose a satanic form of worship over a loving and forgiving God.
When a governing body of persons who had their positions from God’s establishing grace, through the Holy Spirit, decide to become like gods themselves, the end result will become like a cat playing with its captives before mercifully killing them. This is the scenario that awaits humanity in the not too far future.
Who are these people? Like a vulture flying in circles above its prey waiting for the opportunity to swoop down and using its talons pick up the frightened prey and either destroy it or make this shivering person controlled for the remainder of its life. This is just what is happening with Washington D.C. and the vultures that reside there watching for the opportunity to swoop down on the citizens it was elected to lead, not to control with tyranny!
These current vestiges who stand in the halls of government, especially with ominous titles, are now on their way to an unseen existence from where there is no return have little time to turn around and find a God who is not like the gods of power and self-government that is only for them. Washington D.C. is loaded with them and may God have mercy on them!
Ralph B. Hathaway