"God's Suffering Servant"
Where are we on the scale of life?
How can we measure the worth or weigh the success of our accomplishments without seeing the levels of life that have swept away our senses.
One person may say it is the mind of man that dictates our goals. By following our very intellect we no longer need the old fashioned teaching of God. It may have worked in the early years when education was reading, writing, and arithmetic. We have grown up and now computers speak for us, board rooms become our group synopsis of intellect, and using calculus is our goal for future advancements. We have reached the pinnacle of learning science to better the needs of society.
Another may express the ability of heartfelt emotions using love at all costs. However that love touches the recesses of sensuality towards only pleasure and the results end up with a world complete in sexual promiscuity, widespread divorces, pornography, and abortions, the ultimate disaster of all sexual mishaps. It appears that man has succumbed to the lowest activity becoming like the beasts of senseless animals.
Now the lowest form of measuring any success can be located in the strength of our reaching out with power, controlling those under our charge and showing who is in charge of the rest of society. This was shown with Hitler and others like him, by accumulating nations as his own and continuing to be the commander of all the nations he overpowered.
As the world appears to spiral towards an unseen but oblivious entity humanity is facing the most disastrous outlook that never occurred to anyone. However, the prophets of the Old Testament warned their people that punishment was about to fall upon them unless they turned back to God. Some did turn back, but as with the Israelites escaping from Egypt refused and God let them use their free will taking them many years of wandering before reaching the promised land.
Recently I wrote two articles pertaining to this very issue. “Prophecy O’ Prophets” and “A time of freedom is coming'' where this synopsis is approaching and there can not be too many warnings for us to adhere to since we are the ones who allowed the mind, the heart, and the muscle to rule our decisions in life. Each of those scenarios will crush us unless God becomes the center of our lives.
When God conveniently slips away from our grasp by ignoring him only the worst can happen. We must remember God does not force us to love him, or even seek his grace. If our choice is to turn on him, the choice that opens hell for us is our decision.
Ralph B. Hathaway