Good Faith Efforts
The Christian life authentically lived notoriously creates some division. You can’t be a people pleaser and live the life Christ wants you to live. That’s exactly what this week’s Gospel stirs in us.
The Gospel is so radical that it calls us to a place where there’s going to be some division in our lives. And guess what? It’s usually in our families.
I can remember a time in my life where I was very vocal and on fire about the faith, and as a result, a few family members got uncomfortable and de-friended me on Facebook.
Throughout most of my adult life, people have tried to squash the faith fire from me. “Tone it down” and “don’t be so visibly religious” have been the theme. I was even told while dating to stop being so Catholic to attract a man.
What I learned during that time is that there’s a lot of discomfort with people who live the life of an authentic and vibrant disciple. Perhaps it just naturally creates some resistance among those people who prefer to not live that kind of life. I’ve learned to just accept that I can’t please some people and God at the same time.
People pleasing is not what Christ calls us to today. He acknowledges that the Gospel is radical and will put division in our midst. Nonetheless, He calls us to burn with fire for what He’s about. Not to tone down the fire to win over our straying family members, but to set it ablaze.
Are you on fire or have you let the fire burn away in the name of people pleasing with your family members and friends?