When Trust becomes an Anomaly
Is new-age philosophy infiltrating true believers in Christ?
Since many factions of believers within Christian sects are being drawn into some of the new-age philosophies there is concern that too many that should be advocating true Christian beliefs are siding with these anti-Christian principles. When I see different religious churches falling towards some of the tactics used to promote these new ideas it makes me wonder how this all began.
Understanding of true Christian worship began shortly after the Resurrection and 40 days later the Ascension of the Risen Christ. He commissioned his disciples with this mandate; “All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” (Mt. 28: 18 - 20).
What are some of the attributes Jesus left with those who followed him, earnestly listened to his teaching, observed his suffering, crucifixion, and beheld his resurrected body. Handing the commission to Peter and the others has had an overwhelming transition to mankind and changed the world’s attitude and worship of the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob.
Watch and listen to TV preachers. Do they mention the blood of Christ, explain that suffering as Jesus did is part of our connection to a forgiving God. Jesus mentioned the three persons of the Trinity in his sending them forth to the whole world. Listen and try to ascertain the Trinity in these preachers' exhortations.
New-age publications that do not adhere to the trinitarian language are certainly not true Christian writings. When anyone or groups of persons refuse to mention this one most essential about God you know the best choice is to sidestep their philosophy. It is without doubt new-age and should be seen as a non-biblical adherence and another nail in the cross of Christ.
There are some who preach about good things in life and their forte leans on a philosophy of money, easy sanctions in life, and your ship is about to arrive on your doorstep.
I’d like to see how their ministry fits within the time of Lent and what their sacrifice can possibly have any significance on that hill called Golgotha.
Perhaps this would become a vacation from preaching about God’s plan to share his life and love with man, and how he sent his only Son to carry and die on a cross for the sins of the people that this minister promises wealth and a ship arriving today. Really!
One last issue is when we hear about tyranny and government control over its citizens, it might become simple overtones when we see new-age entering our churches and parishioners looking at this as the way to worship.
Ralph B.Hathaway