What Are We Distracted From? (Question 3: Perspective, and Summary So Far)
What Are We Distracted From? This is the great question of our age, because we know we are being distracted. We can break down that question into six parts, six First Questions. The entirety of the Answers differentiates and elevates the Catholic faith and way-of-life.
Here are the five First Questions, and the one Answer that taken as a whole, distinguishes Catholicism from all the others:
1) Reality: What one most true, significant, and authentic entity(ies) do humans encounter in existing?
2) Purpose: What one function impels the universe, God, and/or humans within Reality to the most good and beautiful?
3) Perspective: What one point-of-view provides the knowledge about the true Reality and the most good Purpose?
4) Reality: Is the difference between God and humans in degree, or in kind?
5) Purpose: Are God and His decrees absolute and changeable according to His will, or pre-ordained according to His design?
Next, Question 6. Question 6 is crucial, to narrow our focus to its root, indispensably shifting us from heresy. Heresy can still creep in, even after the first 5 Questions. Hilaire Belloc in The Great Heresies1, explains why: “Heresy means then, the warping of a system by ‘Exception’: by ‘Picking out’ one part of the structure and implies that the scheme is marred by taking away one part of it, denying one part of it, and either leaving the void unfilled or filling it with some new affirmation.” Thus, for example, Islam (besides of course denying the divinity of Christ), removes a key: the everlasting intellect of God, and replaces it with the arbitrary will of its Allah. Also, for example, Calvinism removes a key, the authority of the hierarchy of Holy Spirit-led men, and replaces it with thousands of individual pastors interpreting the Bible at their will.
Here is Question 6, and some answers:
6) Perspective: What has the Holy Trinity revealed that guides your daily life?
But given the infinite omnipotent yet awe-filled and mysterious Holy Trinity, Its creation of humanity and the universe from nothing in a perfect design, and Its loving and merciful revelation of Itself to us, can we see a bit more?
Here are more revelations, through Scripture and centuries of Tradition, maintained primarily, if not entirely, by the Catholic Church.
What is the difference between these eight revelations, and the first four mentioned? All twelve may help us draw closer to the Holy Trinity and enliven our faith. But the latter eight were specifically revealed and established by Christ during His Incarnation.
So, in this Question 6, What has the Holy Trinity revealed that guides your daily life?, we find the specific Answers to what we are distracted from. Here we elevate Catholicism, based on the content of the revelations.
Here are other ways to ask that same Question, of yourself and others you encounter:
Your answers and others’ answers may be filled with errors, inconsistencies, or even falsehoods and heresies. Or they may be filled with truth, inspiration, emotions, and hope. Leave all that for another day. Let us ask ourselves these Six Questions, in our prayer, thinking, and discussions with others. Then consider the Answers carefully.
1. Hilaire Belloc, The Great Heresies, 1938, Cavalier Books.