In Grief we mourn, but with the Light of Christ our fears turn to Joy.
Our time is now!
We heard it said “Oh, that today you would hear his voice; Do not harden your hearts as at Meribah, as on the day of Massah in the desert.” (Psalm 95: 8).
Today is the day that these words should ring loud within our hearts as the time closes towards the return of Christ ending the tyranny we have been subjected to, spiritual tyranny.
Throughout the centuries God has sent prophets, judges, and His only Son to establish our day of deliverance as a mighty force coming down out of heaven preparing us for the final battle where Powers and Principalities will no longer be in control.
Each moment we are part of a battle cry as the forces of evil confront every step we take, forcing us to fight back through the strength of angelic prowess. Left alone to human capabilities our success shows little gain on the battlefield, but the apparent losses just add to the crimes the enemy will suffer for.
Through the Incarnation Jesus began the journey you and I are walking right now; fighting through our personal suffering, assisting the weaker among us by picking up their crosses, and building a sanctuary within the souls of an army led by an angelic force that cannot be beaten.
“Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: rejoice!” Paul speaks to his followers in Philippi to have no anxiety at all, but in everything make your requests known to God. (Phil. 4: 4 - 7). We are here my friends, filled with the hope we prayed for, living the grace-filled life we are seeking, and receiving the blessings of a loving God who is fulfilling his promises given from the time of Genesis.
Yes, at last we shall find the meaning of all that occurred in the battlefield of heaven that perpetrated all the commotion by a pride filled angel that filtered down to us. But, rejoice, because God has heard the cries of the poor, that is us, and blessed be the Lord! This is our time!
Ralph B. Hathaway