A depth of Trust we may always find with God's Grace.
Become a Christian for the down-trodden
It may sound strange to write for Christians to do what we normally would always accomplish for those who are struggling in life. Wouldn’t all christian people do that anyway? Unfortunately there are many who profess to be Christian, but are nominal. That is in-name-only. Somehow, the generations who’ve grown up following their parents’ and grandparents’ usual pattern of going to church and acting as good solid people who believe in Christ haven't found a solid example of active faith within their own religion.
When we discuss those who are outside the inner-circle of the church, or even the social entity are the down-trodden. They haven’t been able to address the tenacity of speaking up or seeking to be seen as part of the socially active part of the group to which they belong. Too many of those are introverted and unless someone like us take time and make an effort to reach them on their level they may subside into a depressing attitude.
We can not take for granted that every person attending church is capable of discerning what is spoken from the pulpit, or even an encyclical from the pope. This doesn’t mean some are mentally deficient, but to understand the reasons for these teachings one must have some grasp on cognitive association. That’s where we must step in and assist others who are unable to ascertain these teachings and guide them.
One way to become helpers in spreading the news to those is to set-up small classes, not for gaining credits or specific class degrees, but to instill within the slow learners some ability to understand their faith a little more.
Those of us who have had experience teaching can testify that even astute persons taking courses of specific matter may still need to dig a little deeper within the subject matter and may find the technical subject isn’t as easy as they presumed. An example is when I taught a course on the Electrical Code I had one engineer who had a difficult time understanding the mathematical tables of specific calculations used in determining electrical conduits and electric conductors sized for the conduits. It wasn’t always easy even for some engineers. Biblical quotes and catechetical questions can be difficult as well when trying to teach someone who first needs a grasp on comprehension of the English language. It is essential that if possible, we who can teach should reach out to those who need our abilities. One of my professional experiences was teaching at Trade Schools for over 20 years.
Ralph B. Hathaway