What is done, is done. Where you go now is your choice.
We get distracted all of the time. Sometimes it leads us to doing something which is inherently bad. But the Devil has no problems in distracting us with something that actually is good. Why would he do this? Well, it is because the distraction is keeping us from a greater good. If you are doing a good thing, but your Father wants you to do something else, it becomes a lesser good or potentially even sinful.
The easiest way for the Devil to distract us is to keep us too busy doing good things, in order that we do not stop to listen to what Dad has to say. Our Father in Heaven has the greatest plan for your life. He wants the greatest good for you. He wants to be with you forever in Heaven with all of your brothers and sisters. Simply put, He knows better and we need to listen like good children.
And yet, we fall into the Devil’s traps. He is the father of lies in Hell. He seeks your eternal destruction. He wants you to be forever tormented in Hell away from God and everyone else. The good things that he wants you to do are just because they keep you from greater things. These lesser goods may actually prevent you and others from making it into eternal Paradise.
And so, while we may be distracted from our greater mission, we need to listen to Our Father. Use the ears of our heart to let Him speak to us. Give Him some quiet time every day, but keep the ears of our heart always listening throughout the day. We cannot simply give Him 5 minutes. He may have something urgent for us. These are not distractions, but instructions. Instructions that help us and others reach eternal Paradise.
Jesus, You stayed on mission during Your earthly journey. Help us, your younger brothers and sisters, to stay on or get back on our mission each and every day in order that we and others may reach eternal Paradise that you opened for us by Your Death and Resurrection. Amen.