Nonprofit Leadership: This Catholic's Cross and Mission
I saw the article in America Magazine online, and there was this photo of the actual statue that's been approved for display in Detroit right next to other religious displays like the Ten Commandments. Seriously, just to go back and get the link for this article, I avoided seeing the picture again.
Why does it disturb me so much? I'm talking about visceral reaction, do not want to allow it to be burned in my mind, don't want the name of whatever it is to repeat in my mind, don't want to think about the animal nature... yes, it's disgusting, but why am I so jarred?
Because at his lap are children, looking up in awe at this creature. Children... as though doting to a father, and in this case, from my Catholic perspective, these are children, adoring the Father of Lies.
I know in the most basic of ways, I am a child of God the Father. I am a child of the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords. I am a child who knows my Creator, the Author of my soul, the One who thought of me before I was even conceived.
So, when I see children depicted standing, hands resting so gently on the legs of a creature, a beast, a thing that moans and wails to draw their souls into Hell... oh, God, help us, I pray. I literally, viscerally react in a negative manner even now to the thought of the statue on public display in the name of religious freedom.
I don't know what else to do. How do you enter into conversation like this when we have so fervently fought for religious freedom and lost in so many ways in the past 6 years? Why do I have to ask this question? Because the Father of Lies has such a choke hold on our media, on our politicians, on our healthcare system, on our justice system, messages seething from ad, channel, magazine, and storefront...
We have failed. If we were relying on our Pope, Bishops, priests, and deacons to speak up for us, we were sorely mistaken. This is not their job. Their job is to feed us. Our job is to speak up and to speak out the light of Truth in the world. We need to quit hiding behind a priest from his pulpit. The Father of Lies is quite loud lately in all the lies coming from such unbeseeming, nonjudgmental, tolerant origins. It is time to push back from our own personal standpoint as a person who says, "I Count."
So I offer up the city of Detroit, right now, Lord. Pray for us. Pray for them. St. Michael the Archangel, protect the citizens of Detroit. May the Angel given watch over Detroit lead a legion of Angels to protect and to bless the city of Detroit. May all the citizens stand up against evil and speak out in a voice of Truth with love and confidence.