Meditation Prayers
Adoption/Abortion – A Traditional Catholic View
Submitted by Thomas Stidl
Is a person morally culpable of the murder of millions of babies by voting for a pro-choice politician? Yes, they are morally culpable in the crime of murder. If a pregnant woman dies by immoral means such as murder, the prosecutor charges the perpetrator with two counts of murder. One count is for the mother and one count is for the unborn child.
Some politicians say that Woman’s rights are on the ballot in November. Since when does any one have the right to take innocent human life? All of us have the right to life as stated in our Declaration of Independence. Once the sperm and the egg unite in a woman’s body, a new life is formed and begins to grow. That is the very definition of life taught in biology classes. Modern medical science has given us ultra-sound and other medical tools to show us that the fetus is not just a blob of tissue. The fetus is actual human life with an immortal soul. The fetus actually moves away from the utensils of death used in the abortion procedure and feels pain during that procedure.
We as Catholic Americans should take the next step to create a constitutional amendment to protect life in the womb. It would overturn all the cruel abortion laws in all states. The United States has many things that need to be fixed. Electing politicians with the proper morals and good judgment may turn the tide of America’s downslide. Let us turn to the principles of our Founding Fathers and place our Faith, Hope, Love and our Very Lives in God’s hands. He should always be the center of our intentions, worship, and praise.
Parents should be teaching abstinence from the sex act to their single children. Clergy should be teaching the lives of the saints who were models of chastity and purity. All these practices will mostly eliminate unwanted pregnancies in our youth and will lower welfare costs. As for adults, please let the child live and give the child to adoptive parents who will love and raise them.
In the case of incest and rape, let the child live. This is innocent human life. In the case of teen pregnancies, both parents are responsible for the actions of their children. In every case, abortion should be avoided and adoption should be the rule that guides us. If two adults are involved, the male should marry the female to give the baby his last name. If that is not in their plans, the baby can either be raised by her mother or given for adoption. By the way the male is just as responsible for the child’s care as is the mother.
Finally, we must always consider the Immaculate Mary’s fiat to the Angel Gabriel. She gave birth to the Savior of the World. Joseph cared for Mary and Jesus for the rest of his life. This is the perfect example of love and acceptance. As for all unborn babies, it is best left to God and the child to determine his or her future. We must always defend life.
Until next time, Laus Tibi, Christe. Deo Gratias. Praise be to God. See you in Paradise.