Take Up Your Cross - Part 1
Technology and Religion
By Thomas Stidl
Advancing technology as a youth has always fascinated me. When I was a young boy, I remember a newscaster speaking of television advances. He said that he did not understand the workings of what he was about to do. He flipped a switch and my family on the east coast could see the Pacific Ocean on our old black & white Philco TV with the rabbit ear antenna. Our family marveled at our first coast-to-coast broadcast by satellite.
Later on as I got older I went to Mass one Sunday and heard the reading from the Book of Revelation on how the entire world would see two witnesses being martyred for their faith in Jerusalem. I thought to myself that it would take a major technological breakthrough to see that since we could only see coast to coast at that time.
Well, time passes and our family bought a new Zenith black and white TV. One morning, I was awakened by our television with a funeral procession in progress. Winston Churchill had passed away. I arose from my bed to find my mother sitting in our living room watching the proceedings. I joined my mother to watch the TV and prayed for the repose of his soul. I was quite frankly amazed at the strides that technology had made in such a short time through a satellite.
The next technology breakthrough came with Man’s landing on the moon. This was another amazing sight to behold. Then came cable TV. By that time the family had graduated to a Zenith color TV. We could then watch scenes from everywhere in the world. At that point the reading from the Book of Revelation came to mind. When the witnesses are martyred and resurrected after three days if I read that passage in the Bible correctly, the end of the age is growing nigh.
So I ask you now dear reader, are we now in the time of Our Dear Lord’s return in power and in glory? Some of you may say ‘yes’ while others will say ‘no’. With all the evil now present in the world as was in the time of Noah and in the time of Lot (sodomy), I think it may be time to prepare ourselves without regard by what happens next. From this moment onward, let us prepare ourselves to meet the Savior of the World by living good and Godly lives. It may soon be time to meet the judge of the whole human race either at the time of our death or his coming in power and glory. We now reside in Christ’s spiritual kingdom. Let us look forward to the Physical Kingdom of God on earth. Repent and believe the Gospel. Then we can all share in the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary with Jesus, her son.
Until next time, Laus Tibi, Christe. Deo Gratias. Praise be to God. See you in Paradise.