Living within a Kingdom led by Christ the Lord
Listen and hear the sound of the drops of blood Jesus handed to us as he died
Following the most recent articles of the search for God.
So many saints sought the very presence of the only product for sanctity that saved them; the Precious Blood of the suffering Son of God.
There is so much more than just suffering alone that the Paschal Mystery invites us to share. We can never read enough of the beginning of Jeremiah; “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed you.”
(Jer 1: 5: 5, 9).
What are the articles of faith we as prophets are asked to give up in order to accomplish our mission? It is grace that will be our light to complete the mission we are being asked to follow. From a writing of St. Rose of Lima, quoting the Lord; “Let all men know that grace comes after tribulation. Let all men know that without the burden of afflictions it is impossible to reach the height of grace.”
Before the angel of death swept throughout Egypt before the Passover, the Israelites were asked to spread blood from the unblemished lamb across the lintel and doorposts of the entrance to their homes. Blood of the sacrifice of a perfect lamb in the sign of a cross that would be repeated centuries later on a hill called Golgotha. (Ex 12: 7 13).
From Jeremiah his role as prophet was to send a warning to those who would not follow God’s demand to save his people and Jeremiah went through many signs of rejection and tribulation. Moses was put in charge of saving God’s scattered flock from the tyranny of Pharaoh and also suffered much rejection and tribulation. These are the symbols of reaching out with little thanks for those they were sent to save.
Looking further into St. Rose; “Hear, O people, hear O nations. I am warning you about the commandment of Christ by using words that came from his own lips: We cannot obtain grace unless we suffer afflictions. We must heap trouble upon trouble to attain deep participation in the divine nature, the glory of the sons of God and perfect happiness of soul.” (Ps 119: 50).
“If onlymortals would learn how great it is to possess divine grace, how beautiful, how noble, how precious.” “How many riches it hides within itself, how many joys and delights! All men throughout the world would seek trouble, infirmities, and torments, instead of good fortune, in order to attain the unfathomable treasure of grace.” Taken from the Office for August 23, St. Rose of Lima.
Perhaps the most powerful term that we should be hearing from the pulpit, and the same one we should promote is the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. There is no other manner of freeing the attacks from demons and Satan himself than through the Sacred Blood of Christ that came through much suffering and given to each one with grace.
Ralph B. Hathaway